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Atomic Structure Revealed by EUV Photoabsorption of 6th Row Ions
Speaker  Eric Doyle
UCD [PhD Defence]
Time 9am, Friday June 28th
Location   B106 Beech Hill
On Slow Relaxation: Examples from Glass Transition, Biomolecular Folding, and Granular Jamming, and Computational Methods to Simulate Their Kinetics

Grains and glasses, widely different materials, arrest their motions upon decreasing temperature and external load, respectively, in common ways, leading to a universal jamming phase diagram conjecture. However, unified theories are lacking, mainly because of the disparate nature of the particle interactions. In my talk I will show that folded biomoleculs (proteins and RNA) exhibit signatures common to both glassiness and jamming by using temperature- and force-unfolding molecular dynamics simulations. I will also present how molecular dynamics simulations can be used in concert with liquid-state NMR spectroscopy to study the temperature dependence and the onset of a glass transition in RNA. Time permitting, I will conclude with novel methods from my group to simulate the slow relaxation kinetics in such systems and others.

Speaker  Prof Ioan Andricioaei
UC Irvine
Time 11am, Monday July 1st
Location   B101 Beech Hill

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UCD School of Physics

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777