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The curriculum comprises 90 ECTS credits, to be completed in 12 months (three trimesters).

Core Modules

Code Title  ECTS Trimester
PHYC40660  The Space Environment & Spacecraft 5 1
PHYC40730 Applications of Space Science  5 1
PHYC40740 Space Sector Professional Skills 5 1
PHYC40870 Space Detector Laboratory 10 1
PHYC40810 Satellite Subsystems Laboratory 10 2
PHYC41100 Space Mission Design 5 2
PHYC41110 Spacecraft Operations 5 2
PHYC40950 Space Sector Internship 30 3

Detailed descriptions of modules can be found (opens in a new window)here. The curriculum may change from year to year. The information provided is for guidance only.

Options Modules

The availability and timetable for options modules‌‌ may be subject to change. Other options may be available depending on a student's background and interests. Options which are similar to those previously taken ‌(e.g. as part of the undergraduate degree) may not be chosen. Students must take 15ECTS of options.

Code Title ECTS  Trimester
PHYC41080  Physics Data Analysis (Python) 5 1
PHYC40570 Physics Demonstrating/Tutoring  5 1 or 2
PHYC30100 Stellar Astrophysics 5 1
PHYC40030 Galaxies and Observational Cosmology 5 2
PHYC40360 Theoretical Astrophysics 5 2
COMP41680 Data Science in Python 5 2
COMP47670 Data Science in Python MD (Mixed Delivery) 5 2
COMP47750 Machine Learning with Python 5 1
COMP47990 Machine Learning with Python (Online) 5 2
GEOG30790 Planetary Geomorphology 5 1
GEOG40890 Remote Sensing 10 1
MEEN40820  Technical Communications (Online)  5 1 or 2


UCD School of Physics

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777