We offer three undergraduate programmes through the Science Omnibus Entry (CAO Code DN200), these are Physics, Theoretical Physics and Physics with Astronomy & Space Science. Also the School offers taught MSc programmes in Space Science & Technology, NanoBio Science, Nanotechnology, Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and Computational Physics. Part-time options are available on most programmes. Undergraduate numbers in the school have grown by over 20% in the recent years and we have a growing cohort of taught MSc students. The academic staff make up a dynamic, international group researching across a wide range of disciplines within Physics.

Study With Us
The future is very bright for the School of Physics. The School has high levels of research funding and enjoys quality research and teaching space. The latter resulting from recent construction and refurbishment of over 26,000 square metres of space in the College of Science, this will be further improved with more new space and refurbishment envisaged in the near future on realisation of the Science Phase III project, whose academic lead is based in the School. The School consistently excels in the impact of its research. The School is the only Physics school on the island of Ireland in the top 150 Physics Schools worldwide according to the 2021 Shanghai rankings. The School has involvement with a number of research centres; CPHM: Physics in Health and Medicine, C-Space: Space Research, C-QuEST: Quantum Engineering, Science and Technology and the Thomas Preston Centre for Fundamental Physics.
Our graduates are found in employment and further study around the globe, and we welcome a diverse group of students from all 5 continents. All of the programmes offered by the School are academically rigorous and internationally recognised, with all our 4-year undergraduate programmes being accredited by the Institute of Physics and our graduate programme in Medical Physics accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programmes (CAMPEP). The School is proud to have recently achieved Juno Practitioner status, an Institute of Physics award aimed at fostering a more inclusive working environment. The UCD School of Physics has an international staff profile and is outward facing as evidenced by the high percentage, well above 80%, of its publications that report work from international collaborations.
I invite you to explore our website and contact us if you need further information. You are always welcome to come and visit us. A member of the academic staff will be delighted to discuss the options open to you.
Professor Emma Sokell, Head of the UCD School of Physics.