UCD School of Physics are delighted to offer a number of summer research studentships, working on a range of physics projects. These studentships are suited for undergraduate students currently pursuing a physics (or related) degree.
Studentships are six weeks in duration, lasting from 26th May until 4th July, and come with a €400 per week stipend.
To apply:
1. Look at the list of projects on offer: List of Available Summer Projects 2025
2. Fill in the form at: (opens in a new window)Application Form
3. Send your CV and cover letter, as a single PDF (maximum 3 pages total), with filename Lastname_Firstname.pdf to (opens in a new window)morgan.fraser@ucd.ie.
Applications will be open until Friday 4th April.
If you have further questions, please contact Dr. Morgan Fraser ((opens in a new window)morgan.fraser@ucd.ie).