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Profile photo of Dr. Emma Dorris

Dr. Emma Dorris

Programme Manager

Dr. Emma Dorris is a biomedical researcher by training and an advocate for responsible research and innovation. She has a passion for improving research culture across all disciplines. She has a particular interest in policy and practices related to PPI and in developing ways to embed PPI as part of the research culture towards more relevant and impactful research.

Researcher Profile
Profile photo of Liam Cleere

Liam Cleere

Senior Manager, UCD Research & Innovation

Liam Cleere, MBA, has over 16 years of experience in research systems, strategic planning and business intelligence.
Liam joined UCD in 2005 and leads the Research Analytics and Impact team. This team helps to develop research impact and public engagement, promote the research reputation of the university and inform research strategy through the use of advanced analytics and systems.

Researcher Profile

Contact PPI Ignite Network @ UCD

UCD Research, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 4009 | E: ppi@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)