UCD Timeline
University History - Timeline
Trapdoor, a once-disused theatre space in the Newman Building, opened following a €2.5m refurbishment to provide once more a theatre space for 100-year-old UCD DramaSoc.
UCD launches Breaking Boundaries, the University’s Strategy to 2030.
Professor Orla Feely was appointed as UCD President.
EIRSAT-1, a UCD student-built satellite, was successfully launched into space aboard a Falcon 9 SpaceX rocket, officially becoming Ireland's first-ever satellite. Built over six years, the satellite will carry out three experiments and report data back to its command centre at UCD.
UCD is the first third level institution in Ireland to achieve a Gold Level Certification as a cycle friendly employer, awarded by Cycling Solutions Ireland.
A new service for staff and students seeking to disclose bullying or sexual harassment opens at UCD, the first of its kind in the Irish Higher Education sector.
UCD secured €350m from the European Investment Bank for major capital investment in Belfield campus over five years, including the Center for Future Learning project, Science Phase III and the refurbishment of the Newman Building.
Taoiseach Micheál Martin TD opened the new €6.7 million expansion of NovaUCD, named the Centre for New Ventures and Entrepreneurs.
UCD and two of its partner universities received official approval from the Chinese Ministry of Education for two new international colleges in China, the Chang’an-Dublin International College of Transportation (CDIC) in Xi’an and the Guangzhou-Dublin International College of Life Sciences and Technology (GDIC) in Guangzhou.
UCD launches Rising to the Future, the University’s five-year strategy from 2020-2024.
The new University Club opened.
MoLI, The Museum of Literature Ireland opened as a landmark cultural institution located in Newman House on St. Stephen’s Green.
The Moore Centre for Business is opened adjacent to the Quinn School of Business.
The BEACON Bioeconomy Research Centre and the I-FORM Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre were founded and led by UCD.
The Decade of Centenaries programme continued with the commemoration of 1916 with numerous events and public projects that included: Signatories.- Written by some of contemporary Ireland’s most acclaimed writers, the play consists of monologues representing each signatory of the 1916 proclamation of Independence- granting history a new voice and defining what it means to be Irish one-hundred years after the events of 1916.
UCD Irish Independent 1916 supplement series- From 2015-2016, 10 supplements were produced with the Irish Independent . Drawing on the research of over 30 faulty and graduate students, each supplement sought to contextualise the rising in terms of period and world events.
After Empire- Supported by the Department of Foregin Affairs, After Empire was a panel discussion of representations of former British colonies on topics of insurrection, violence, language, partition, independence, and democratic development.
The commissioning of a contemporary work of stained glass, Thaw, by Killian Schurmann, one of Ireland’s most acclaimed glass artists. Commissioned in commemoration of executed UCD medical student, Kevin Barry. It is located in the Newman concourse.
The first UCD Festival takes place.
Ashfield Student Accommodation opened.
New UCD Global Centres in Chicago, San Francisco, New Delhi, and Kuala Lumpur opened.
UCD’s Decade of Centenaries programme is launched.
The Berkeley Tragedy claimed the lives of three UCD students working in the US.
UCD launches new Strategic Plan 2015-2020.
Professor Andrew J. Deeks is appointed University President.
UMT Student Experience Group founded.
A new research facility for Systems Biology Ireland opened. -
NexusUCD Industry Partnership Centre was founded.
Establishment of the ICON Newman Fellowship in Genomics.
UCD Sutherland School of Law opened in the autumn of 2013.The UCD Woodland Walks was further developed, adding to the natural beauty of the campus. The UCD O’Brien Centre for Science opened. On its completion, it was the largest capital investment in science in the history of the Irish state.
UCD Ad Astra Academy established. The unique opportunities provided by Ad Astra are divided into three streamlines for gifted students: the UCD Ad Astra Academic Scholars, the UCD Ad Astra Elite Athletic Scholars , and the UCD Ad Astra Performing Arts Scholars.
UCD continues to expand its international connections with the establishment of the Beijing-Dublin International College. This was the result of an agreement between UCD and the Beijing University of Technology.
The New Student Centre opened.
UCD formed strategic alliances with recognised colleges of the NUI, National College of Art and Design (NCAD) and the Institute of Public Administration (IPA).
The UCD Global Lounge opened.
Phase one of the UCD Science Centre was completed.
UCD partnered with Trinity College, Dublin to establish the Innovation Alliance, intended to assist in the overall financial recovery of Ireland.
Formally opened the Innovation Academy.
Implementation of the UCD International Plan, in partnership with all UCD Colleges and Schools reflecting the growing number of international students at UCD.
UCD begins a large-scale development program that will completely transform the face of the Belfield campus.
UCD launches a new Strategic Plan, Forming Global Minds.
UCD hosted Universitas 21 AGM.
UCD leaves Earlsfort Terrace in the centre of Dublin city after 124 years. German architect, Christoph Ingenhoven, submitted his winning design for the UCD Gateway Project.
Belfield House is restored under the Campus Development Plan.
UCD joined Universitas 21, a major international network of over 20 research led-universities.
UCD Confucius Institute for Ireland is founded. -
UCD launches a new Strategic Plan that reformed its curriculum, becoming the first university in Ireland to offer a modularised higher education. This initiative was branded UCD Horizons and would transform the entire academic experience of the university. The Change Management Programme facilitated the complete academic restructuring of UCD. It saw the previous 90-plus Departments and 11 Facilities transform into 35 Schools and 5 Colleges. The 5 colleges are:
The Genome Resource Unit (GRU) opened in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital. Established the National Institute for Bioprocessing, Research and Training (NIBRT).
UCD College of Arts and Celtic Studies
UCD College of Business and Law
UCD College of Engineering, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
UCD College of Human Sciences
UCD College of Life Sciences
Dr Hugh Brady appointed president.
UCD celebrates 150th anniversary. -
NovaUCD, a €110 million Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre opened. The purpose-built centre was funded by a public/private partnership.
UCD purchased the Philips site and buildings adjacent to the Belfield campus at Clonskeagh, to facilitate the relocation of the Departments of Civil and Agricultural & Food Engineering from Earlsfort Terrace, bringing more of the remaining off campus elements of the University to Belfield.
The Veterinary School and Teaching Hospital and The Quinn School of Business opened. The Humanities Institute of Ireland established under the Higher Education Authority's PRTLI. Urban Institute also established.
The Centre for Synthesis and Chemical Biology a collaboration in the chemical sciences between UCD, TCD and the RCSI established after being awarded 126 million Euro by the Higher Education Authority's Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions.
An Institute for American Studies was established at UCD and named after the 42nd President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton, in recognition for his role in the Irish Peace Process.
The Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research and the Institute for the Study of Social Change founded, marking a new era with an emphasis on internationally recognized research.
The Universities Act, 1997 is implemented.
UCD O'Reilly Hall opened.
Dr Art Cosgrove appointed president (1994 - 2003).
Second student village (Merville) opened. The Centre for Film Studies was established.
UCD relinquished the Iveagh Gardens to The Office of Public Works. The Gardens became open to the public full time and continues to be a significant amenity to the culture of Dublin city.
The Michael Smurfit Business School, located on the Blackrock Campus, formally began classes.
Carysfort College, Blackrock on 19 acres bought. First student village (Belgrove) opened.
The UCD Language Centre is established and commenced its English Language Courses for international students and staff.
Engineering building opens.
Dr Patrick Masterson appointed president. (1986 - 1993)
Work begins on the new engineering building. The Department of Horticulture moved from St. Catherine’s Lucan to Belfield. 1987The Library continued to grow in size with the completion of phase II that saw the libraries for Science and Agriculture moved to the main building. The UCD Archives Department moved to Belfield from St. Stephen’s Green.
University Industry Centre completed.
Student Club opened.
The new Student Bar, the nucleus for the future Student Union opened An additional 11 acres of Roebuck land, including Roebuck Castle was purchased by UCD from the Little Sisters of the Poor.UCD Association was established to encourage closer communication between UCD and its alumni. This would be a vital step in establishing the extensive present community of UCD alumni.
Building Laboratory at Richview is completed.
Sports Complex opens.
Richview and 17.4 acres bought. Architecture moves in there.
Agriculture transfers on to Belfield campus.
Minister for Education, Richard Burke, TD announces that there should be three university groupings: UCD, Trinity and the NUI, comprising UCC and UCG. St Patrick's Maynooth was to have the option of becoming a constitutent college of any one of the three universities. The National Institutes of Higher Education in Limerick and Dublin were to be established with the capacity to evolve into constitutent colleges or autonomous degree-awarding institutions. Although UCD was in favour of this development, Trinity was not and the plan fizzled out and disappeared off the Government agenda.
Library opens.
Dr Thomas Murphy appointed president (1972-1985).
Water tower completed -
13.4 acres of Roebuck Castle land added.
Arts and Law move to Belfield.
Commerce transfers to Belfield.
15 acres of the Roebuck Castle land bought. Minister for Education, Donogh O'Malley, proposes plan to merge UCD and Trinity.
Dr Jeremiah Hogan appointed president (1964-1972).
Science moves in to new campus. -
Sod turned on Science Block at Belfield. In 1962 Lyons Estate, Newcastle, County Dublin, purchased as the field experimental and teaching facility of the Faculty of Agriculture.
Roebuck Grove on 35 acres purchased.
Montrose exchanged for Ardmore.
Byrne's fields (42 acres) purchased.
Woodview on 18 acres bought.
Merville on 60 acres is acquired.
University purchases Montrose on 23 acres and Whiteoaks (University Lodge) on 34 acres.
Government purchases 20 acres for a new broadcasting house.
Dr Michael Tierney appointed president. Tierney conceived the scheme of a new UCD on a suburban site and became intimately involved in UCD's fever of purchasing several hundred acres in the neighbourhood of Belfield over the next 17 years. The plan was to develop an architectural harmony in the grouping of buildings, landscaping and planting of trees, creating a sense of unity to faculties then on different campuses, with sports grounds and residences incorporated into the scheme. The inspiration for the plan came mostly from universities in Stockholm and Goteborg in Sweden as well as some models from the US. The "Tierney Era" was characterized by excitement, driven by the conviction of the man.
Dr Michael Tierney edited "A tribute to Newman".
Dr Arthur Conway appointed president. During this period various plans were developed but failed to succeed to expand along Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street and Earlsfort Terrace.
The Grounds Committee identifies piece of land on the Stillorgan Road as a suitable location to purchase and develop playing fields and sports facilities. Belfield House on 44 acres is bought.
University Education (Agriculture and Dairy Science) Act transferred the Royal College of Science in Merrion Street and Albert Agricultural College in Glasnevin to UCD.
The gradual building expansion led the university into severe debt which was eventually covered by the Provisional Government in August 1922 just a few days before the deaths of Arthur Griffith and Michael Collins.
A number of junior staff and students participated in the Easter Rising including: Michael Hayes (French) who was at Jacobs, Liam O Briain (French) who was in St Stephen's Green and the College of Surgeons, Louise Gavan Duffy (Education), who was in the GPO, James Ryan (fifth year med student) in charge of temporary hospital inside the GPO, James Sweeney, (engineering student) who was also in the GPO.
University Park, Terenure became the base of UCD sports clubs between 1913 and 1934 - although the landlord would not sell the site to the university.
Land donated by Lord Iveagh helps the university expand in Earlsfort Terrace/Hatch Street/ St Stephen's Green.
Irish Universities Act brought into being the National University of Ireland with its constitutent University Colleges - Dublin, Galway and Cork, and led to the demise of the Royal University and the Jesuit-run University College.
Dean of the Medical School, Dr Denis Coffey appointed first president of UCD. Coffey was to hold the position for 30 years. The Medical School in Cecilia Street became the UCD Medical Faculty. The campus covers, Earlsfort Terrace, Cecilia Street, College of Science Merrion Street, Albert College Glasnevin and St Stephen's Green. 36 chairs and 15 lectureships established focusing on: medicine, celtic studies, classics, modern languages, english, political economy, mathematics, philosophy, education, history, national economics, civil engineering, mathematical physics, experimental physics, chemistry, geology, zoology, architecture, commerce, law, botany, and pure mathematics. The Faculty of Commerce established.
The number of first class distinctions in Arts awarded by the Royal University to University College was 702 compared with a total of 486 awarded to the combined Queen's Colleges of Belfast, Galway and Cork.
Names associated with University College as students, academics or both during this period included: James Joyce (whose room in Newman House is preserved as it was), Tom Kettle, Francis Skeffington, Francis Cruise O'Brien, Arthur Clery, Fr Tom Finlay SJ, Pádraig Pearse, Hugh Kennedy, Eamon de Valera, Eoin MacNeill, Mary Hayden, Agnes O'Farrelly, and J A Costello. Given such talent and the revolutionary fervour in the contemporary political and cultural life of the country, it is hardly surprising that there was an amount of student unrest during this period, especially during loyalist speeches by the Chancellor, the Earl of Meath and the playing of "God Save the King" at conferring ceremonies.
Poet and Jesuit, Gerard Manley Hopkins appointed a fellow of University College. Throughout this period, despite their strong allegiance, Delany and Cardinal William Walsh disagreed on the position of University College within the Royal University. Walsh wished it to develop as a Catholic university alongside and equal to Trinity College. Delany did not.
1883-1888 and 1897-1909
Fr William Delany SJ appointed first president of University College.
The Catholic University reorganized in order to avail of the indirect endowment from the state through the Royal University of Ireland. The St Stephen's Green institution was renamed University College and its management was transferred to the Jesuits.
Monsignor Henry Neville, Dean of Cork appointed Rector (while still retaining his role as Parish Priest in a Cork parish). The University Education (Ireland) Act 1879 brought in by Disraeli's government led to the establishment of the Royal University of Ireland (incorporated by charter in 1880) which was a non-teaching, degree-awarding institution.
Dr Bartholomew Woodlock appointed Rector and served until he became Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise in 1879. In this period he attempted to secure a site of 34 acres at Clonliffe West but the scheme collapsed when expansion of the railway system on the north side of Dublin cut across the site. He then turned his attention to expanding along St Stephen's Green and over these years bought from No. 82 to 87.
The beautiful University Church was opened in 1856 beside 86. Apart from religious services it was used also for public university functions and occasions such as the opening of academic sessions and the making of awards.
The Catholic University Medical School was opened in 1855 in Cecilia Street. The Medical School was the Catholic University's great success story; by the end of the century it had become the largest medical school in the country. After 1908 it became the Medical Faculty of UCD.
The years after Catholic Emancipation in Ireland (1829) while pocked with intermittent political upheaval, famine and emigration, saw the majority population gradually gain a foothold on the rungs of education and influence.
In 1854, the movement spearheaded by Cardinal Cullen and led by John Henry Cardinal Newman, succeeded in opening the doors of a new university. This made higher level education accessible to a broad sweep of Irish people, creating a new class of educated Irish who would become the civil servants, the politicians, the lawyers, the architects, the historians and philosophers, the authors and playwrights, the doctors and engineers - the thinkers and doers who were to shape Irish society into the proud nation we are today.
The Catholic University opened its doors on the feast of St Malachy, 3 November 1854. On that day the names of seventeen students were entered on the register; the first name entered was that of Daniel O'Connell, grandson of the Liberator.
The university opened with three houses: 86 St Stephen's Green, with was known as St Patrick's or University House, under the care of Rev. Dr Michael Flannery; 16 Harcourt Street, known as St Lawrence's under the care of Rev. Dr James Quinn, who also had his school there; and Newman's own house, 6 Harcourt Street, known as St Mary's, under Newman's personal supervision.