For Business

Your Trusted Partner in Upskilling

In today's dynamic Learning & Development landscape, we understand that keeping your team's skills current is crucial. And, we’re here to help!

With over 4,000 active learners at any given time, you can trust in our unrivalled expertise to meet your training requirements. Let's collaborate on understanding your objectives, plugging your skill gaps, and tailoring existing solutions to meet your business needs.

Whether you need new, emerging skills like AI and Data Analytics, or simply better group study options, you can count on us for impactful learning experiences. Partner with us to enhance your talent pool and drive enduring value for your business.

Let's empower your team together.

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All organisations are different, and we have helped teams thrive across a variety of sectors

What our customers in Charity have to say…

The initiative afforded by the UCD Professional Academy has been hugely beneficial to us as an organisation and to many of our staff who have availed of the array of Professional Academy Diploma courses on offer. The Professional Academy Diplomas offer our staff an invaluable opportunity to gain new skills and knowledge that can then be utilised in their roles, as well as allowing staff to network with attendees from different industries and sectors.

Louise Platt, Learning Team Lead

What our customers in Healthcare have to say…

The UCD Professional Academy were very efficient and helpful with the entire process including the provision of online content and preparation of Zoom meetings. UCD Professional Academy were adaptable in terms of course content needs. The lecturer was very clear, informative and approachable. The content of the course was very relevant to today’s needs.

Catriona Patterson, Program Manager, Affiliate Audit Program

What our customers in Distribution, Transport & Hospitality have to say…

As part of An Post Green Institute we find UCD Professional Academy offers our staff and managers the opportunity to enhance their personal and professional development through course offerings that facilitate a deep level of engagement with the subject matter whilst being of a duration that compliments a healthy work-life balance.

Paul Cummings, Training & Development Manager

What our customers in the Public Sector have to say…

The [custom ‘Leading and Motivating Teams through Growth and Change] programme was very well received by our participants who felt the content was interesting, practical and relevant to their leadership roles. The group was particularly impressed by the Subject Matter Expert, both her delivery style and her willingness to go the extra mile for everyone in the group. Finally, there was excellent support from UCD Professional Academy for the administrative aspects of the programme and a strong commitment to work in partnership with us before, during and after the programme.

Rosemarie McGill, Development Officer

Unsure of the

Skills Gap within your team?

We have The Definitive Benchmark for top subject areas. Ask us today.

One Reliable Training Partner


professionals have studied with us


companies have trusted us to train their teams


of corporate customers plan to train their staff with us again in the future


Professional Academy Diplomas & Certifications to help staff go further

Impactful Results

Key Benefits for An Post

  • Work / Life Balance
  • Employee Engagement
  • Applicable to Various Business Areas

Key Benefits for Siemens

  • Internal Mobility
  • Investing in Retention
  • Management Satisfaction

Chat to an Upskilling Expert

We have The Definitive Benchmark for top subject areas. Ask us today.

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