About the event
During the last two years, there have been significant economic and social disruptions, with significant restrictions impacting many business sectors.
On the ground, this can be translated as exhaustion through a shift to hyper-productivity. Across every sector, as 2021 drew to a close there was burnout, exhaustion and anxiety. As we move forward in 2022, and adapt to a hybrid working model, as we figure out what that looks like, how can we resource ourselves better so that at the end of 2022, there is less exhaustion, less burnout, less mental health concerns. How can we re-set expectations for ourselves and our colleagues as we adapt to a new way of working again?
About Dearbhalla Baviera
Dearbhalla Baviera, UCD alumna, is an Executive Coach and renowned speaker who advocates strongly for Conscious Leadership Development which includes creating space for busy leaders and leadership teams to take a breath, to step back, to turn inwards to the ground and resource themselves. As we navigate into the future of work, if we want to be future fit, if we want to be able to see differently so that we can think differently and do differently, slowing down, just for a moment and allowing time to think is a must. As a motivational speaker and trainer, Dearbhalla has an engaging and personal style that touches a chord with the audience.
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