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Empowering Irish Healthcare: Training, Trends & Transformation

Ireland is well placed to be a key player in the burgeoning global healthcare economy – but requires a workforce equipped with necessary skills.

Ranking lowest of the 22 countries examined in an OECD* report on digital health readiness in 2023, there is a clear gap between the current skills available across the healthcare workforce, and the opportunity open to the sector.

With that in mind, we hosted a free webinar for L&D professionals, exploring current skills gaps in Irish healthcare, and how UCD Professional Academy is helping organisations to rise to the challenges (and seize opportunities).

In this webinar, our resident upskilling experts in the healthcare sector, Kim Christian & Hannah Connolly, will explore:

  • Key highlights from our recent report on skills transformation in the Irish healthcare sector

  • Top and trending courses at UCD Professional Academy for healthcare organisations 

  • How UCD Professional Academy works with organisations to tackle upskilling needs, from soft skills to digital skills

There will also be time for Kim & Hannah to answer your questions during the Q&A.

*Source: Health at a Glance 2023 Report, OECD