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Title:Food Sustainability & Safety in a Changing Climate

PROTECT & TRANSIT Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks Symposium

Date: 10th November 2022

Location: Room 019C, UCD Student Village, Dublin, Ireland

Registration Link:(opens in a new window)https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/food-sustainability-and-safety-in-a-changing-climate-tickets-406138610517

Zoom Registration Link for Livestream:(opens in a new window)https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LbEuWnysRP6TMhJSJvaNGg

UCD Campus Map:(opens in a new window)https://twitter.com/PROTECT_ITN/status/1590319719953096704


08.30 – 09.15: Registration/Opening
08.30 – 09.00:Registration
09.00 – 09.15:Welcome and Opening(Prof Enda Cummins & Prof. Dolores O’Riordan, Director, UCD Institute Of Food & Health, Vice-President for Global Engagement)
09.15 – 10.45: Session 1: Food Technologies & Quantitative Risk Assessment
Chair: Dr Jeanne-Marie Membré (INRAE, Oniris, France) 

Rhea Chhaya (PROTECT ESR1, University College Dublin):Human health risk assessment of aflatoxin M1 from the European dairy sector”
Rodney Feliciano (PROTECT ESR4, INRAE Oniris):“Towards a Climate Change-Responsive Dairy Supply Chain: from data analysis, model developments to sustainable food safety mitigation strategies”
Theocharia Tsagkaropoulou (TRANSIT ESR1, University of Reading):”Heterogeneity of L. monocytogenes and E. coli strains in resistance to High Hydrostatic Pressure”
10.45 – 11.15:Break/Poster Presentation/Networking
11.15 – 12.00: Key Note Speaker 1 – Moez Sanaa (World Health Organisation)“Sustainable and healthy diet for all”
Chair: Prof Vasilis Valdramidis
12.00 – 13.00: Session 2: Modelling the Dynamics of Microbial Change & Technology Optimization
Chair: Assoc Prof Heidy den Besten  

Styliani Roufou (PROTECT ESR2, University of Malta):“Quantitative microbial dynamics related to the dairy industry under climatic stress conditions”
Lydia Katsini (PROTECT ESR3, KU Leuven):“Quantifying microbial food safety risks due to climate change”
13.00 – 14.00 :Lunch/Poster Presentation/Networking
14.00 – 15.00: Session 2 continued: Modelling the Dynamics of Microbial Change & Technology Optimization
Chair: Assoc Prof Heidy den Besten  

Ourania Misiou (PROTECT ESR5, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki):Predictive modelling tools to evaluate the effect of climate change on food spoilage”
Yijiao Yao (TRANSIT ESR8, INP):“Optimization and upscaling of non-thermal atmospheric plasma for decontamination of (a)biotic surfaces”
15.00 – 15.45:Key Note Speaker 2Kemal Aganovic (DIL German Institute of Food Technologies)“The Present & Future of Novel Processing Technologies”
Chair: Assoc Prof Heidy den Besten
15.45 – 17.15: Session 3: Food Chain Sustainability & Tools for Decontamination Efficiency
Chair: Prof Almudena Hospido  

Maro Malliaroudaki (PROTECT ESR6, University of Nottingham):Shaping the future of milk manufacturing and supply using energy consumption models”
Paola Guzmán Luna (PROTECT ESR7, University of Santiago de Compostela):“Modelling the effect of climate change on the current and future environmental sustainability of the European dairy sector”
Georgios Pampoukis (TRANSIT ESR10, Wageningen University):“Meta-analysis on decontamination efficacy of non-thermal plasma (NTP)”
17.15 – 18.15: Session 4: Decision Support Systems (DSS) & Consumer Perception
Chair: Assoc Prof Kimon Andreas Karatzas  

Gopaiah Talari (PROTECT ESR8, Creme Global):“Microbial and chemical Risk assessment of dairy products with Big Data and web-based Decision Support Systems (DSS) under climate change scenarios”
Aline Silva (TRANSIT ESR9, Sense Test):“Assessment of consumer trust and risk perception towards sustainable innovative food processing technologies.”
18.15 – 18.30: Closing Remarks (Prof Enda Cummins)

Protect ITN

UCD School of Biosystems and Food Engineering, Room 303a, UCD Agriculture & Food Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: protect.itn@ucd.ie