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Theme: Food Chain Environmental Sustainability

Hosts:University Santiago de Compostela (USC) & University of Nottingham (UoN) via Zoom

Registration Form:(opens in a new window)https://forms.gle/HmjevvBFHRFyC3qn6(Zoom links will be provided upon successful registration and available spaces)

Please Note:Times are inSpanish Standard Time CEST(-1 HR BST/IST)

Day 0 – Individual activity to be carried out betweenMay 17th– 30th

Introductory courses: These free e-learning courses address life cycle thinking and approaches from different perspectives and in various levels of depth: (opens in a new window)E-learning courses – Life Cycle Initiative
 1.     Introduction to Life Cycle Thinking – COMPULSORY (the certificate dispatched at the end of the course will be used as evidence of its accomplishment) 
 2.     Life Cycle Thinking in business decision making – VOLUNTARY, BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
 3.     Life Cycle Thinking in policy making – VOLUNTARY, BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Further supplementary information:
 Video related to the dairy sector:
 (opens in a new window)University of Nottingham Centre for Dairy Science Innovation – 2 min introduction
 (opens in a new window)Lindhurst Engineering H2AD technology – 3.5 min introduction 

Day 1 – 31stMay 2021:9:15 am – 5:30 pm

9:15 am: Registration
9:30 am: Introduction Prof. Enda Cummins (UCD)
9:35 am: Welcome and presentation of the workshop – Prof. Almudena Hospido (USC)
9:40 am: Invited Speaker –  (opens in a new window)Llorenç Milà i Canals | UNEP - UN Environment Programme 
 ·      Provisional title: The Life Cycle Initiative – bringing Life Cycle Thinking into the global sustainable development agenda (30 minutes talk + 10 minutes questions)
10:20 am: Invited Speaker – (opens in a new window)Pierre-Marie Aubert | IDDRI
 ·       Provisional title: EU food value chains and the Farm to Fork strategy (30 minutes talk + 10 minutes questions)
11:00 – 11:30 am: BREAK
11:30 am – 1:00 pm: Food chain environmental sustainability and its evaluation 
 ·       Prof. Rachel Gomes (UoN):  Environmental sustainability and the food chain - Drivers, impacts and opportunities (30 minutes)
 ·       Prof. Almudena Hospido (USC): LCA on food sector – Product perspective (30 minutes)
 ·       Ass. Prof. Sara González-García (USC): LCA on food sector – Diet perspective (30 minutes)
 ·       Q&A section (30 minutes) 
1:00 – 2:00 pm: LUNCH BREAK 
2:00 – 4:00 pm: How sustainability is managed by … 
 ·       … CLUN: Ana González (30 minutes) 
 ·       … ARLA FOODS: Dr. Anna Flysjö (30 minutes)
 ·       … NIZO: Dr. Luanga Nchari (30 minutes)
 ·       Open discussion moderated by Ass. Prof. Becca Ferrari (UoN) (30 minutes)
4:00 – 4:30 pm: Take home message from the day – Prof. Rachel Gomes (UoN)
4:30 – 5:30 pm: Social activity – The pilgrim way “Camiño de Santiago” exploring the concepts more and less known, by means of a presentation that combines videos, maps and live explanations. 

Day 2 – 1st June 2021:9:30 am – 5:00 pm

9:30 – 11.15 am: Exploring environmental sustainability on the dairy farm (led by Dr Oliver Fisher (UoN / Lindhurst Engineering) and Prof. Rachel Gomes (UoN))
 ·       Overview of dairy farming: sustainable resources and a global perspective
 ·       Developing technologies for dairy farm resource sustainability – (opens in a new window)H2AD case study
 ·       Interactive session and discussion
 ·       Thinking about R&D to practice and policy
11:15 – 11:30 am (tentative): BREAK 
11:30 am – 1:00 pm: Interactive session on Day 0 with focus on exploring environmental sustainability on the dairy sector … going beyond the dairy farm –(led by Prof. Almudena Hospido (USC) and Ass. Prof. Miguel Mauricio (USC))
1:00 – 1:45 pm: LUNCH BREAK 
1:45 – 4:45 pm: Session on Data Mining – Prof Jan van Impe (KU Leuven) 
4:45 – 5:00 pm: Goodbye Picture & Closing Remarks (all) 

Protect ITN

UCD School of Biosystems and Food Engineering, Room 303a, UCD Agriculture & Food Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: protect.itn@ucd.ie