Today is the 2022 World Food Safety Day which includes several celebratory events and actions around the world such as the panel discussion under the theme “Safer food, better health”, hosted by the WHO, FAO, and the Codex Secretariat. This highlights the link between food safety and public health, a top priority of our society. The second half of the event is dedicated to the role of different players in ensuring sustainable food production and consumption of safe foods in different settings by improving health outcomes.
This is connected with another priority of our society: climate change action, which is related to the transformation towards sustainable food production as well as the impact of climate change on the food system that may place food safety at risk. Given the above, it is clear that the transition of the food system to achieve maximal sustainability is governed by a multitude of constraints, one of which is ensuring food safety. Current demands include ensuring animal welfare and highly nutritious food etc.
Let this day be food for thought on how we aim to form a resilient food system. Looking into one direction of action might compromise the entire system’s function. This means that a holistic approach is necessary, such as the One Health Triad formed from the people, animals, and environment. Following this example, different pillars for the transition of the food system can be identified.