2020 Welcome to the UCD School of Psychology
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We are looking forward to welcoming new and returning students in September 2020 to the School and to our newly renovated space in F2 in the Newman Building. Planning for the coming academic year remains challenging as the COVID-19 situation continues to impact around the world. Returning students will find that we have introduced new procedures to help us respond to student queries and support your participation as a member of the School.
We encourage all staff and students to be familiar with the most up-to-date information on UCD’s COVID-19 arrangements (www.ucd.ie/covid-19/ ). We are working to support the containment of the virus and continue to ensure full compliance with public health guidelines in all aspects of our operations. UCD is working with the Irish Universities Association and the new Department of Higher Education to ensure that a safe and consistent approach to face-to-face teaching is taken across the sector and that health risks posed to students returning to UCD are appropriately and effectively mitigated. The health and safety of our students and staff are our main concerns, and UCD has put appropriate social distancing and cleaning measures in place in advance of the start of term. The university’s inductions will highlight these measures to you.
Staff Contacts
For detailed information on School staff visit https://www.ucd.ie/psychology/ourpeople/
The majority of faculty, technical and administrative staff will be on campus and available to meet by appointment, in person or remotely as is most appropriate. The School will have limited in-person drop-in opportunities; however, staff can be contacted by email. Our Head of School is Prof. Suzanne Guerin ((opens in a new window)suzanne.guerin@ucd.ie) and our School Manager is Ms Cathrina Gaffney ((opens in a new window)cathrina.gaffney@ucd.ie). Key staff for our programmes are listed below:
BSc/BSc International in Psychology | Higher Diploma in Psychology |
Ms Danielle Smart – Programme Administrator (opens in a new window)danielle.smart@ucd.ie |
Ms Danielle Smart – Programme Administrator (opens in a new window)danielle.smart@ucd.ie |
Dr Mick O’Connell – Programme Director (opens in a new window)michael.f.oconnell@ucd.ie |
Dr Ciara Greene – Programme Director (opens in a new window)ciara.greene@ucd.ie |
Dr Michelle Downes - Year One Coordinator |
Dr Kathy Looney - Year Two Coordinator |
Dr Cliodhna O'Connor - Year Three Coordinator |
Master in Psychological Science | MSc in Mindfulness-based Interventions |
Ms Mary Boyle – Programme Administrator (opens in a new window)Mary.Boyle@ucd.ie |
Ms Mary Boyle – Programme Administrator (opens in a new window)Mary.Boyle@ucd.ie |
Dr Patricia Gough – Programme Director (opens in a new window)Patricia.Gough@ucd.ie |
Dr Paul D’Alton – Programme Director |
Prof Louise McHugh – Programme Director |
MLitt/PhD Programme | Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology |
Ms Muriel Keegan – Programme Administrator |
Ms Muriel Keegan – Programme Administrator |
Dr Brendan Rooney – Programme Director |
Prof. Alan Carr - Programme Director |
Prof. Gary O'Reilly - Programme Director |
Information on Teaching and Assessment in Psychology
Your timetable information for the Autumn Trimester will be made available via SISWeb following registration. The aim for the coming trimester is to deliver our programmes in the most effective way, while also protecting staff and students. Face-to-face teaching will be delivered where it is possible and appropriate to the nature of the skills and information being delivered. Many modules will be delivered in a blended format, with a mixture of face-to-face and online elements, to optimise your experience while maintaining a safe learning environment. Be sure to engage with our virtual learning environment Brightspace for the most up-to-date information on modules.
In general, essential practical teaching sessions, small group teaching, tutorials, smaller group seminars and labs will be predominantly face to face. Large lectures will be recorded and made available through Brightspace or delivered live remotely. All face-to-face teaching and live online sessions be available for students with underlying health conditions who cannot attend or those who have difficulties with live access to online material.
Assessment will take the form of continuous assessment and online examinations. There will be no in-person examinations. Supervision of research projects will take place regularly via a combination of in-person and online meetings.
Supports in UCD
The transition to blended learning (a combination of online and campus-based classes) can be daunting so the Access and Lifelong Learning unit have developed some resources that are available here.
One of the most important points of contact for students is your Student Adviser. They offer practical and emotional support for students within the College. Our dedicated Adviser in the College of Social Sciences and Law is Kieran Moloney, kieran.moloney@ucd.ie For Graduate Research students, your Student Adviser is Carita Bramhill, (opens in a new window)carita.bramhill@ucd.ie
We are also aware that students can face huge financial burdens while attending college. Information on financial supports available to students within UCD can be found here.