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Perception Laboratory Publications


Recent Publications

  • Campbell MJ, Toth AJ, Brady N (2018) Illuminating sex differences in mental rotation using pupillometry Biological Psychology138:19
  • Cooney SM, Brady N,  McKinney (2018) Pointing perception is precise   Cognition177:226-233  (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2018.04.021
  • Conway A, Brady N, Misra Holistic word processing in dyslexia (2017) PLoS ONE12(11) (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0187326
  • Cooney SM, Brady N, Ryan K Spatial orienting of attention to social cues is modulated by cue type and gender of viewer1 (2017) Experimental Brain Research235(5):1481-1490 (opens in a new window)https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/S00221-017-4909-4
  • Moran A, Quinn A, Campbell M, Rooney B, Brady N, Burke C Using pupillometry to evaluate attentional effort in quiet eye: A preliminary investigation1 (2016) Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology5(4):365-376  (opens in a new window)https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/SPY0000066
  • Cooney SM, O’Shea A, Brady N (2015) Point Me in the Right Direction: Same and Cross Category Visual Aftereffects to Directional Cues. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0141411. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0141411 (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Cooney, S., Dignam, H., & Brady, N. (2015). Heads First: Visual Aftereffects Reveal Hierarchical Integration of Cues to Social Attention. PloS one, 10(9), e0135742. (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Cleary, L., Brady, N., Fitzgerald, M., & Gallagher, L. (2015). Holistic processing of faces as measured by the Thatcher illusion is intact in autism spectrum disorders. Autism, 19(4), 451-458. (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Cleary, L., Looney, K., Brady, N., & Fitzgerald, M. (2014). Inversion effects in the perception of the moving human form: A comparison of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing adolescents. Autism,18 (8), 943-952. (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Rooney B, Keyes H & Brady N; (2012) 'Shared or separate mechanisms for self-face and other-face processing? Evidence from adaptation'. Frontiers in Perception Science, 3:66 . (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Brady, N. (2011). Understanding spatial bias in face perception and memory.Spatial dimension of social thought. In Thomas W. Schubert and Anne Maass Spatial Dimensions of Social Thought., Mouton de Gruyter. (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Ni Choisdealbha, A. Brady, N. & Maguinness, C. ; (2011) 'Differing Roles for the dominant and non-dominant hands in the hand laterality task'. Experimental Brain Research, 211 (1):73-85. (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Brady N, Maguinness C, Ní Choisdealbha Á; (2011) 'My Hand or Yours? Markedly Different Sensitivity to Egocentric and Allocentric Views in the Hand Laterality Task'. PLoS ONE, 6 (8). (opens in a new window)link
  • Moran, A., and Brady, N.; (2010) 'Mind the gap: Misdirection, inattentional blindness and the relationship between overt and covert attention'.Consciousness and Cognition, 19 :1105-1106. (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Keyes, H. & Brady, N.; (2010) 'Self-face recognition is characterised by 'bilateral gain' and by faster, more accurate performance which persists when faces are inverted'. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63 (5):840-847. (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Keyes, H., Brady, N., Reilly, R.B. & Foxe, J.J. (2010) My face or yours? Event-related potential correlates of self-face processing. Brain & Cognition, 72(2): 244-254. (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Allen, H., Brady, N. & Tredoux, C. (2009) Perception of ‘best likeness’ to highly familiar faces of self and friend. Perception, 38(12): 1821-1830. (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Murphy, P., Brady, N., Fitzgerald, M. & Troje, N.F. (2009) No evidence for impaired perception of biological motion in adults with autistic spectrum disorders. Neuropsychologia, 47(14): 3225-3235. (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Jackson, S., Cummins, F. & Brady, N. (2008) Rapid perceptual switching of a reversible biological figure. PLoS ONE, 3(12): e3982. (opens in a new window)link
  • Jackson, S., Brady, N., Cummins, F., & Monaghan, K. (2006) Interaction effects in simultaneous motor control and movement perception tasks. Artificial Intelligence Review, 26(1): 141-154.
  • Brady, N., Campbell, M. & Flaherty, M. (2005) Perceptual asymmetries are preserved in memory for highly familiar faces of self and friend. Brain & Cognition, 58(3): 334-342. (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Brady, N., Campbell, M. & Flaherty, M. (2004) My left brain and me: a dissociation in the perception of self and others. Neuropsychologia, 42(9): 1156-1161. (opens in a new window)pdf
  • Brady, N. & Field, D.J. (2000) Local contrast in natural scenes and the visual code for contrast. Perception, 29(9): 1041-1056. (opens in a new window)pdf

Book Chapters

  • Field, DJ., Olshausen, BA. & Brady, N; (1996) 'Wavelets, blur and the sources of variability in the amplitude spectra of natural scenes' In: B. E. Rogowitz & J. P. Allebach (eds). Human Vision and Electronic Imaging. Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE (opens in a new window)pdf

UCD School of Psychology

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.