COVID-19 IDD: A global survey exploring family members’ and paid staff’s perceptions of the impact of COVID-19 on individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers
In 2020, Associate Professor Christine Linehan received grant funding from the Health Research Board to explore caregivers’ perceptions of the impact of COVID 19 on individuals who have intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers. Under the auspices of the Comparative Policy and Practice Special Interest Group of IASSIDD ((opens in a new window) a total of twenty-six researchers worldwide collaborated to undertake an online survey of caregivers in 18 countries. A list of the collaborators is presented below.
The study protocol and study findings from 3,745 participants are openly published by the Health Research Board and can be accessed in full here (opens in a new window) (type COVID-19 IDD into the search box on the right of the page). The curated dataset, data dictionary and other documentation is openly published on the Open Science Framework and can be accessed here (opens in a new window) Our group encourages others to access this dataset for secondary data analysis.
A series of infographics below highlight some of the key findings
Click here to download the info graphics as pdf.