Professional, Statutory & Regulatory Body (PSRB) accreditation of UCD programmes and units
PSRB accreditation of UCD programmes and units
A significant number of UCD programmes, schools and institutes are accredited by national and/or international Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs). This external accreditation complements the various internal quality assurance and enhancement processes, as articulated through the UCD Quality Framework.
The UCD Policy for Internal Reporting on Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) Accreditation of UCD Programmes and Units (approved by Academic Council Executive Committee (ACEC) in May 2018) ensures that the University meets its statutory obligation to have policy and procedure in relation to the provision of information about its arrangements with PSRBs. The policy enables the consideration of the outcomes of professional accreditation exercises by Governing Boards, the Academic Council Quality Enhancement Committee (ACQEC) and Periodic Quality Review Groups. The policy is also aimed at streamlining and improving efficiency, and reducing duplication of effort, and providing support where possible for staff, in relation to the preparation for professional accreditation exercises and Periodic Quality Review.
Any queries or updates in relation to the PSRB List may be sent to (opens in a new window)qualityoffice@ucd.ie.