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Quantum Devices


Many fundamental theories of physics have later resulted in important technological revolutions e.g. engines and refrigerators from thermodynamics or modern electronics from electromagnetism. The seemingly exotic rules of quantum mechanics are providing remarkable new opportunities in this respect; recent decades have witnessed tremendous experimental progress in preparing systems which are so small and isolated that they can only be accurately described using quantum mechanics. Once questioned as the evidence of a potential fundamental flaw in the theory, quantum superposition and entanglement are now established physical phenomena and, remarkably, are ushering in a new wave of devices which utilise these distinctly quantum mechanical effects as resources.

It is clear that the science underlying quantum enhanced devices is sufficiently mature that it is now making the transition from academic enterprise to commercialisation. However, success in this necessitates a highly collaborative effort involving physicists, engineers, computer scientists, and mathematicians. We will work towards the development of devices that harness the unique advantage of quantum mechanics to achieve tasks that would be difficult or impossible with existing technologies exploiting C-QuEST's expertise in nanoelectronics, coherent control, quantum thermodynamics, machine learning, and CMOS based architectures. 

Contact the UCD Centre for Quantum Engineering, Science, and Technology (C-QuEST)

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: quantum@ucd.ie