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Ambassador to Kenya visits UCD Smurfit School to discuss Responsible Consumption and Production

  • Date: Tue, Mar 7, 2023

Photo caption: (l-r) Dr David Nyaluke, UCD Proudly Made in Africa Fellow in Business and Development; UCD Smurfit School student Naomi Eunice, originally from Kenya; Professor Gerardine Doyle, Director of UCD Smurfit School and Associate Dean of UCD College of Business; Ambassador HE Michael Mubea; UCD Smurfit School PhD student Ronald Wafula, originally from Kenya; and Killian Stokes, CEO of Proudly Made in Africa and Founder of Moyee Coffee. 

Ambassador HE Michael Mubea, Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya to Ireland, visited UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School to address UCD CEMS Students as part of the two-day CEMS Global Citizenship Seminar.

Ambassador HE Michael Mubea highlighted the close ties between Kenya and Ireland and updated students on Kenya's diverse exports. He also detailed the level of infrastructural development in Kenya, making it a leading economic force in West Africa. 

The event welcomed Moyee Coffee— an African and European collaboration to reimagine the coffee industry by sharing more of the value from coffee with coffee-growing countries in a model called Fair Chain.

The seminar, which focused on responsible consumption and production, examined global value chains behind many of the everyday goods we all enjoy on our planet; understanding the background to these value chains; exploring the potential for business model innovation; and reflecting on responsible production and consumption that follow the guidelines of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.  

UCD Smurfit School is the only Irish school represented in CEMS— a global alliance of 34 leading business schoolsmultinational companies and NGOs that together offer the CEMS Master in International Management. UCD Smurfit School’s programme consistently features in the global top 10 of the Financial Times rankings.

The seminar was organised by Killian Stokes, CEO of Proudly Made in Africa, supported by UCD CEMS Programme Director Dr Andrew Keating and was also facilitated by UCD’s Proudly Made in Africa Fellow, Dr David Nyaluke. 

UCD College of Business looks forward to growing our educational connections with Kenya through ongoing international partnerships.

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Athena Swan
Financial Times
The Economist