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Business School announces new initiative with Value Added in Africa

  • Date: Fri, Mar 28, 2014

Siobhán McGee was appointed Proudly Made in Africa Fellow in Business and Development in January 2014. The role is a joint initiative of ValueAdded in Africa and UCD School of Business, and is funded by Irish Aid / Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Concern, Trócaire and Gorta.

The vision is an Ireland where all accredited third-level business courses include a global perspective of business’ role in stimulating development.

The PMiA Fellowship seeks to work with Business Schools in the Dublin region to better inform business students’ perceptions of Africa as a place to do business and to promote the role of business in poverty reduction.

The goal is effectively to sow seeds of informed awareness amongst future business decision makers, supply chain managers and entrepreneurs about Africa as a territory and engage them in consideration of value-adding business models.

Siobhán works with faculty and students at undergraduate and graduate level who see a place for such content in their modules. She will work to support them in incorporating subject- and level-specific content on doing business with, and in Africa. This might range from guest lectures, to devising case materials or assignments, assisting with African business speaker events, or identifying opportunities for teaching, research and publications with African data and insights.

Siobhán is a graduate of the Marketing Institute of Ireland and holds an MBA from the Open University Business School. She teaches at Masters level in TCD School of Business and at DCU All Hallows College. Having worked in the private sector for 10 years, since 1991 she held various senior roles in the NGO sector in Ireland and Africa. She worked in the Centre for Nonprofit Management, School of Business Trinity College Dublin 2005-2009 and has published work on governance and accountability in the Irish fundraising sector, in particular on the Charities Act.

Siobhán is based at the Quinn School of Business, UCD, and welcomes contact from anyone.

W: E:

Address: Room Q108, Quinn School of Business, University College Dublin

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