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Global Business School Network CEO visits Dublin to launch UCD College of Business membership

  • Date: Wed, Apr 12, 2023

By Beth Gormley, UCD College of Business, PR and Communications Manager

April 11, 2023, Dublin- UCD College of Business welcomed CEO Dan LeClair of the Global Business School Network (GBSN) to officially launch the College’s membership to the organisation which fosters cross-border networking, knowledge sharing and collaboration both within the network membership and with the broader business education and development communities.

“UCD is a powerful institution and an excellent fit for GBSN,” LeClair said during his visit, “The College of business and its incredible students, faculty, and leaders will contribute much to GBSN efforts to build more inclusive and sustainable communities globally.” He referenced the College’s strategy, “Creating a Better Future Together,” and said “our whole network and each of its schools will be stronger with UCD on board.”

The launch event invited faculty and staff to learn more about the broad engagement opportunities offered through GBSN with an emphasis on engagement for students, faculty and leadership. Beyond an introduction to the organisation, LeClair also discussed the types of activities that GBSN sees as priorities moving forward including the IMPACT Communities initiative around Sustainable Finance and Fintech. GBSN and Impact Communities like UCD College of Business will work together to identify clear desired outcomes and goals, and ensure support is available for related activities.

GBSN’s vision is to enable business schools to profoundly impact sustainable development worldwide through education, research, and community engagement. Students are invited to engage through a range of events, competitions and projects, and faculty are presented with professional development opportunities, as well as the use of platforms to complete research on critical developing world issues and problems.

“As Ireland’s leader in business education, UCD College of Business is focused on developing research and empowering our students, faculty and staff to have a positive impact on society,” said Professor Don Bredin, Associate Dean International, UCD College of Business. “Our partnership with GBSN allows us to develop global partnerships with international academic leaders to tackle global sustainability challenges.”

The event also featured initiatives already succeeding in the College including the Proudly Made In Africa programme, led by Dr David Nyaluke, Dr Penelope Muzanenhamo and Mr Killian Stokes; as well as UCD Smurfit School’s Global Leadership Programme led by Dr Linda Dowling-Hetherington.

LeClair was also able to meet with UCD College of Business students and tour both UCD Smurfit School’s graduate campus, as well as the UCD Quinn School undergraduate buildings at UCD’s main Belfield campus.

“A critical element of the UCD College of Business strategy is to further develop the strength and reach of our global networks to have a positive impact on society as we strive to achieve our mission of building a better future together,” said Professor Gerardine Doyle, Director of UCD Smurfit School and Associate Dean of UCD College of Business.

“Through research and allowing experts to collaborate, we will advance GBSN’s leadership in fostering innovation and influencing policy that propels the achievement of their mission,” continued Professor Doyle. “We are looking forward to learning from, and contributing to, GBSN which has for decades been engaged in pioneering work for the developing world”

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