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London Careers Trip

  • Date: Tue, Sep 16, 2014

Each year UCD Career Development Centre, together with UCD Lochlann Quinn School of Business, take a group of business students to London to visit a number of corporate finance and consulting companies. This is an ideal opportunity to get an insight into a large corporate company, find out what the work is really like, and network with potential future employers.

This year’s trip took place from 1st to 5th September 2014 and included visits to UBS Bank, Societe Generale, Deloitte, ICAP, Goldman Sachs, Boston Consulting and Morgan Stanley.

A few comments from the students who participated in this year’s trip:

“I learnt so much about consulting and received top tips on application processes. I now have a much clearer idea of what goes on in these firms and all of the opportunities that are out there.”“After this visit I realise with more conviction that a career in consulting will suit me, and set me up for any other career I would go on to do after that.”“The activities were very good, especially with the employers who had interactive case studies and trading games. These helped us understand better how the businesses run, what thought processes they use in their jobs, and what approaches they take to solving problems.”

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