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Message from Tony Brabazon, Dean, UCD College of Business

  • Date: Mon, Mar 23, 2020

To our UCD College of Business student community,

As you know, the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve rapidly. Our immediate priority is the health and safety of our students, and that of our staff. I hope that you and your families are safe and well during this evolving situation.

I want to reassure you that we are committed to ensuring that you can continue your educational journey despite the current circumstances. You will receive ongoing communication from our central University teams but on behalf of all of the staff in the College of Business I wanted to add my own reassurance to you that we are working behind the scenes and at pace to support you.

Last week, you received an email from the President of UCD Professor Andrew Deeks to say that the University will be moving almost all of its teaching and assessment on-line for the remainder of this trimester. We have been working hard to make this happen expeditiously. As Ireland’s largest University we are well placed to make the transition to an online mode of delivery but please be patient with us as we work to make this change at scale.

Next week, our Academic and Support teams will be learning too and we will share this new reality of at distance learning together. Delivery next week will be a mixture of interactive sessions, pre-recorded video lectures and discussion groups—many delivered through the Brightspace platform. Do take the time to familiarise yourself with Brightspace tools so you are ready to succeed next week.

Our dedicated Programme teams are working remotely but continue to be available to you. If you have any queries or concerns you can contact your Programme Manager as normal via email. Your Module Coordinator will also be in contact with you (via Brightspace) in the coming days to outline the new delivery methods and assessment for your specific modules. The most important thing is for you to check your UCD email and Brightspace account regularly for updates about new teaching and assessment arrangements.

In addition, the university has set up an FAQ page which will be updated regularly as the situation evolves:

Please stay safe and follow the guidance of the health experts during this time.

Beyond the classroom, the coming weeks will be difficult for us all as we worry about ourselves, our families and our friends. It is important in these times that we are supportive of one another and kind to one another. We will manage these difficulties together and the human spirit will prevail.

Helpful contacts

UCD Student Covid-19 FAQs can be found here.

Current UCD Quinn School students can find the contact details for the Programme Office here.

Contact information for College of Business Faculty can be found here.

General Queries can be directed to

UCD Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advice and Information can be found here.

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