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President’s Award: Three UCD Quinn School students honoured

  • Date: Tue, Mar 22, 2022

Eighteen UCD students, three from UCD Lochlann Quinn School of Business, have been named recipients of this year's President’s Award in recognition for their service to campus life. Students were honoured at the UCD Awards Ceremony held on Friday March 4, 2022 in O'Reilly Hall.

Those who received an award were nominated by their peers and staff for their contributions to student extracurricular activities, as well as their involvement with student organisation across University College Dublin in 2021/2022.

UCD Quinn School students who received the award include Gavin Coll (Commerce), Nicole Matko (Commerce) and Joseph Walsh (Business and Law).

Pictured (l-r): Maeve Houlihan, Associate Dean and Director of UCD Lochlann Quinn School of Business and Gavin Coll, UCD President's Award 2022 recipient.

Gavin Coll is a leading, longstanding member of UCD Choral Scholars. As well as a vocal talent, he goes above and beyond for people. This has always been the case, but has been much more evident with the struggles of working with Covid-19 in recent times. He is the centre of the Choral Scholars community and has been deservedly honoured by his peers.

Pictured (l-r): Joseph Walsh and Nicole Matko, UCD President's Award 2022 recipients.

Nicole Matko’s participation in UCD programmes is exemplary. Her contribution to open days, peer mentorship, student staff forums, community path mentorship, volunteering at UCD summer festival, while also conducting talks to younger students about Commerce on behalf of the University have been inspiring. Whether serving her peers in class or the wider community, Nicole has always had the best of intentions towards the people around her.

As a Business and Law student, Joseph Walsh's leadership is to the benefit of students at both Sutherland and Quinn Schools. He is a dedicated UCD Access Leader and has an understanding, resilient voice and his own experiences have helped to reassure hundreds of incoming students that their goals are achievable. He is also student representative on the Widening Participation Committee, offering that critical student voice to the University. Joseph is the embodiment of being an active member of our University for All.

These awards reflect just a flavour of the variety and excellence of contributions to college life across our student community, and all of us at UCD Lochlann Quinn are extremely proud.

About the Awards
The UCD President’s Award for Excellence in Student Activities aims to provide recognition for those who provide the leadership, commitment and energy that makes UCD an exciting, dynamic and humane place to live, study and work.
Its recipients, typically, are actively engaged in service to UCD societies, clubs or the Students’ Union, or are involved in student support services or competitive activity in inter-varsity events.
To date, over 320 students have received the UCD President's Award – which annually invites staff and students across UCD to nominate candidates based off a number of guiding principles.

Original content provided by David Kearns, Digital Journalist / Media Officer, UCD University Relations. More here.

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