

Course Brochure

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Diploma / Bachelor of Business Studies (Part-Time)



Student Support

A comprehensive range of supports have been developed to assist participants in returning to education and to facilitate part-time study. These include day-to-day student support, study skills development modules, bespoke study materials and study groups.

Studying part-time can be challenging. In recognition of this a Programme Manager will be available to provide you with support and advice on all course matters through our telephone, email and drop-in support service. Your Programme Manager is available each week day to provide you with individual advice throughout your time on the diploma and degree. They are qualified to advise  you on all academic and administrative matters throughout your programme of study. The types of questions our programme support team receive include essay planning, assignment feedback and time management. 

If you have been out of formal education for some time, the diploma and degree contains two study skills development modules at Diploma stage which will assist you in developing the key skills you will need to ensure successful completion of the programme. Among the workshops you will attend include, planning and organising your study, how to take good notes, how to write a good essay etc.

You will receive a comprehensive study guide for each module which will provide you with a map through each module. The study guide will include a course planner to help plan study schedules on a week-to-week basis. 

Informal study groups are generally formed on a geographic basis around Ireland and these are an ideal forum for discussing course topics — and for comparing notes on balancing student, work and family life generally. We will help you to organise a study group no matter where you are located.

Throughout the diploma and degree, you will regularly access our e-learning platform to download module materials (such as class notes) and all assignments and projects are submitted electronically.  From time to time, you may be expected to participate in online discussions and activities and short module briefings.

"There were students from a wide variety of sectors and industries, each with valuable and relevant experience, resulting in great interaction and debate during many of our modules. The support from programme managers (and the CDL team) throughout the four years made life easier – it is a challenge to complete part time study while working, so anything that makes life a little easier is very welcome" Sid McDonnell, BBS Graduate 2015'

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Athena Swan
Financial Times
The Economist