AI for Good – A Transdisciplinary Approach to Tackling Dementia

  • Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
  • Time: 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Venue: On-Campus UCD Belfield
  • Location: UCD Quinn School of Business

Transdisciplinary Approach to Tackling Dementia

This symposium will take place on campus at UCD Quinn School on 12th March 2025 from 12pm - 3:30pm. Registration is from 12pm and will include a light lunch.



It will feature health and financial experts discussing evidence that (i) financial abuse is more likely if an individual has severe cognitive decline; (ii) the biomedical sciences need earlier detection of dementia with a view to having better visibility of the evolution of the pathogen and (iii) the harmful financial effects of undiagnosed memory disorders may prove useful in helping to detect individuals with early stage dementia, years before a clinical diagnosis. 
The event will be hosted by Lead Organisers Professor Cal Muckley and Professor Gerardine Doyle, together with Co-organisers Professor Patricia Maguire and Professor Brian MacNamee. The event is a UCD College of Business Research & Policy seminar in collaboration with the UCD AI Healthcare Hub, ADAPT, the Institute for Discovery and the Research Ireland Insight Centre for Data Analytics. 

Programme Outline

Time Activity
12pm - 1pm Registration and Lunch


Opening and Welcome Address 

  • Professor Gerardine Doyle, UCD College of Business,  
    UCD AI Healthcare Hub and UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy
  • Professor Kate Robson Brown, UCD Vice-President for Research, Innovation and Impact
1:10pm - 1:45pm


Symposium Overview and Speaker Introduction

Professor Cal Muckley, UCD College of Business, ADAPT and UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy



  • Annmarie O’Connor, Programme Manager for Safeguarding Ireland and Chair of its ‘State Payments Sub-Group’. 
    ‘Developing a good practice response to financial abuse’
  • Associate Professor David O’Connell, UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science. 
    ‘Current Developments Towards the Detection & Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease’


Keynote Address 

  • Professor Carole Roan Gresenz, McCourt School of Public Policy and the School of Health at Georgetown University, Washington DC. 
    Keynote Address: ‘The Financial Consequences of Undiagnosed Memory Disorders’       


Discussion Panel chaired by Professor Patricia Maguire, followed by Q&A

  • John Dalton, Fidelity Center for Applied Technology
  • Professor Carole Roan Gresenz, Georgetown University
  • Professor Cal Muckley, UCD College of Business
  • Professor David O’Connell, UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science
  • Annmarie O’Connor, Safeguarding Ireland


Closing Comments

Professor Cal Muckley, UCD College of Business, ADAPT and UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy


Biographies: Speakers and Panelists 

  • John Dalton, Fidelity Center for Applied Technology. Mr. Dalton is VP of Research at FCAT and was previously a research director at Forrester, a filmmaker and a medievalist.
  • Professor Carole Roan Gresenz, McCourt School of Public Policy and the School of Health at Georgetown University, Washington DC. Professor Roan Gresenz has held senior leadership roles at Georgetown University and at RAND Corporation.
  • Associate Professor David O’Connell, UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science. Professor O’Connell and his group have made valuable, patented contributions in the area of protein engineering and biotechnology, including work on the potential to transform the lives of those living with Alzheimer’s.
  • Annmarie O’Connor, Programme Manager for Safeguarding Ireland and chair of its ‘State Payments Sub-Group’. Ms. O’Connor chairs Safeguarding Ireland’s ‘State Payments Sub-Group’ and has held senior leadership roles in the Money Advice and Budgeting Service and at the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.  

Biographies: Organisers


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