Reconnect News and Updates

September 2018
New Reconnect publication describing the effectiveness of desk and field studies at locating barriers to fish migration! Download the article here.

September 2017
Inland Fisheries Ireland complete construction of a fish pass on the Hannover weir on the Burren river, Co. Carlow.

July 2017
Today the Reconnect team undertook the last round of pre-removal electrofishing above and below the Hannover weir on the Burren river in Co. Carlow. This weir will be replaced with a rock ramp fish pass.

July 2016
Electrofishing above and below barriers begins!

June 2016
Siobhán Atkinson and co begin mapping barriers on the river Dodder

May 2016
The Reconnect team make their first field visit of a large barrier on the River Dalligan