Professor Da-Wen Sun, MRIA, MAE, MPAN
Full Professor of Food & Biosystems Engineering (Personal Chair), UCD
Professor Da-Wen Sun
Born in Southern China, Professor Da-Wen Sun is a global authority in food engineering research and education. He is an Academician of six academies, including Royal Irish Academy, the highest academic honour in Ireland; Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe), one of the most prestigious academies in the world; Polish Academy of Sciences, the highest lifetime honour bestowed by the Polish government; International Academy of Food Science and Technology; International Academy of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, and International Academy of Refrigeration. He is also the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Food and Bioprocess Technology (indexed by Web of Science when it was first published in 2008 and was in Q1 in the 2nd year, and the current impact factor is 5.8, ranking it one of the most prestigious food science and technology journals); the Founding Series Editor of “Contemporary Food Engineering” book series; and the Founding President of the International Academy of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (iAABE). In addition, he served as the President of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR), the world's largest organisation in the field, from 2013 to 2014, and is now Honorary President of CIGR. He has significantly contributed to the field of food engineering as a researcher, as an academic authority, and as an educator.
His main research activities include cooling, drying and refrigeration processes and systems, quality and safety of food products, bioprocess simulation and optimisation, and computer vision/image processing and hyperspectral/Raman imaging technologies. Especially, his many scholarly works have become standard reference materials for researchers in the areas of hyperspectral imaging, computer vision, ultrasonic freezing, vacuum cooling, computational fluid dynamics modelling, etc. Results of his work have been published in over 1,000 papers, among them, as corresponding author, he has authored over 700 peer-reviewed journal papers indexed by Web of Science (Web of Science h-index = 119, SCOPUS h-index = 129, Google Scholar h-index = 152), in particular, 71 papers have been selected by the Essential Science IndicatorsSM as Highly Cited / Hot Papers in Field, ranking him No. 1 in the world in Agricultural Sciences (January 2020). He has also published 17 authoritative books. In addition, Professor Sun has been named ClarivateTM Highly Cited Researcher in the last 9 consecutive years (2015- 2023) and has also topped the Stanford University list of the World’s Top 2% Scientists (in the 745th position of 210,198 listed scientists) (October 2023).