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100% Success Rate for the PhD Students of Professor Da-Wen Sun for Their CSC Scholarship Applications

Thursday, 9 July, 2020

China Scholarship Council (CSC) has just announced the result of 2020 CSC scholarship applications, and the applications from three Chinese students to pursue their PhD studies in University College Dublin (UCD) under the supervision of Professor Da-Wen Sun has been successful, reaching 100% success rate.

Professor Da-Wen Sun began to collaborate with CSC in 2010. Since then, at least one application is made each year by Chinese students for PhD study in UCD under the supervision of Professor Sun to the UCD-CSC Scholarship Scheme, with a 100% success rate. Up to now, Professor Sun has successfully supervised nine Chinese PhD students to completion under the scheme. Three Chinese students as the first batch of these students were awarded PhD degree by UCD in 2014 (see details: Three PhD Students Supervised by Professor Da-Wen Sun Passed Their PhD Vivas in September 2014).

The UCD-CSC scheme is jointly funded by University College Dublin and China Scholarship Council affiliated with the Ministry of Education of China. CSC scholarship provides living and related expenses for the students, while UCD provides funding to cover tuition fees for the students.

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