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Infrared Spectroscopy for Food Quality Analysis and Control by Professor Da-Wen Sun

Monday, 26 March, 2018

A new book by Professor Da-Wen Sun of UCD School of Biosystems and Food Engineering entitled “Computer Vision Technology for Food Quality Evaluation” (448 pages) has recently been published by Elsevier Academic Press, a world renowned publisher for publishing academic books. The timing publication of this new title by Elsevier reflects the international market trend of rapid technology developments in using infrared spectroscopy technology for food quality analysis and control.

Infrared (IR) spectroscopy deals with the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum, it measures the absorption of different IR frequencies by a sample positioned in the path of an IR beam. Currently, infrared spectroscopy is one of the most common spectroscopic techniques used by the industry. With the rapid development in infrared spectroscopic instrumentation software and hardware, the application of this technique has expanded into many areas of food research. Infrared spectroscopy has become a powerful fast and non-destructive tool for food quality analysis and control. The book is divided into two parts. Part I deals with principles and instruments including theory, data treatment techniques and infrared spectroscopy instruments. Part II covers its applications in quality analysis and control for various foods, for example, meat and meat products, fish and related products, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and cereals.

“Infrared Spectroscopy for Food Quality Analysis and Control is written by international peers who have both academic and professional credentials, highlighting the truly international nature of the work. It aims to provide the engineer and technologist working in research, development, and operations in the food industry with critical and readily accessible information on the art and science of infrared spectroscopy technology. The book should also serve as an essential reference source to undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in universities and research institutions” said Professor Sun.

The Editor of the book, Professor Da-Wen Sun is a world authority in food engineering research and education. Based on ISI Web of Science, he tops the world ranking in Agriculture Sciences as one of the most cited scientists. Prof. Sun’s high quality, high-impact publications include over 180 refereed full papers in ISI-listed journals, 25 book chapters, more than 200 conference papers, and 9 edited books (over 5000 printed pages). In recognition of his significant contribution and leadership, he was awarded the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering Merit Award in 2000 and 2006, and named “Food Engineer of the Year 2004” by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. He is the Editor-in-Chief of international journal Food and Bioprocess Technology (Springer), is Series Editor of the Contemporary Food Engineering book series (CRC Press / Taylor & Francis), and is board member for a number of ISI-listed journals.

See More at https://www.elsevier.com/books/infrared-spectroscopy-for-food-quality-analysis-and-control/sun/978-0-12-374136-3

UCD Food Refrigeration & Computerised Food Technology

Food Refrigeration and Computerized Food Technology University College Dublin Agriculture & Food Science Centre Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7342