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"Modern Techniques for Food Authentication" (2nd Edition, 720 Pages) by Professor Da-Wen Sun Available Soon

Monday, 26 March, 2018

‌Authenticity of foods is a major concern of consumers, producers, and regulators. Consumers continuously demand for the reassurance of origin and content of their foods, while manufacturers need to confirm the authenticity of components of their products and comply with government legislations. Therefore protection of the rights of consumers and genuine food processors and prevention of fraudulent or deceptive practices and the adulteration of food is an important and challenging issue facing the food industry. In the past many years, rapid scientific and technological advances have taken place in the determination of food authenticity. Modern Techniques for Food Authentication edited by Professor Da-Wen Sun focuses on the novel techniques developed and their recent applications in authenticating food products.

The 1st edition of Modern Techniques for Food Authentication was published by Academic Press / Elsevier in 2008, with the main aim to present a comprehensive review of novel techniques available for the food industry to authenticate food products, including various spectroscopic technologies, methods based on isotopic analysis and chromatography, and other techniques based DNA, enzymatic analysis and electrophoresis. Other aims of the book were to pinpoint the research and development trends in the development of these technologies, to provide the engineer and technologist working in research, development, and operations in the food industry with critical, comprehensive and readily accessible information on the art and science of modern food authentication techniques, and to serve as an essential reference source to undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in universities and research institutions. This will continue to be the purpose of this 2nd edition.

In the 2nd edition, besides updating or rewriting individual chapters with latest developments in each topic area, two new chapters are added. By integrating spectroscopy with imaging technique, imaging spectrometry has rapidly emerged as and matured into a powerful and fastest growing non-destructive tool for food authentication. Using imaging spectrometry technique, the spectrum associated with each pixel in a food image can be used as a fingerprint to characterise the biochemical composition of the pixel, thus enabling the visualisation of the constituents of the food sample at pixel level. Therefore applications of hyperspectral imaging and Raman chemical imaging in food authentications are included to reflect the current trend of developments in food imaging technology. In addition, one chapter is removed due to lack of development in the topic area.

UCD Food Refrigeration & Computerised Food Technology

Food Refrigeration and Computerized Food Technology University College Dublin Agriculture & Food Science Centre Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7342