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Professor Da-Wen Sun Publishes Paper in Internationally Most Prestigious Journal (Impact Factor: 42.846)

Wednesday, 25 November, 2020

A paper entitled “Introducing reticular chemistry into agrochemistry” has been published by Professor Da-Wen Sun, UCD School of Biosystems and Food Engineering, in one of the most prestigious international journals: Chemical Society Reviews (impact factor: 42.846). Chem Soc Rev (Chemical Society Reviews) is the Royal Society of Chemistry's leading reviews journal, publishing high-impact, succinct and reader-friendly articles at the forefront of the chemical sciences. Reviews published are of the very highest quality and international impact and are mainly solicited by members of the editorial board in accordance with editorial policy.

For survival and quality of life, human society has sought more productive, precise, and sustainable agriculture. Agrochemistry, which solves farming issues in a chemical manner, is the core engine that drives the evolution of modern agriculture. To date, agrochemistry has utilized chemical technologies in the form of pesticides, fertilizers, veterinary drugs and various functional materials to meet fundamental demands from human society, while increasing the socio-ecological consequences due to inefficient use. Thus, more useful, precise, and designable scaffolding materials are required to support sustainable agrochemistry. Reticular chemistry, which weaves molecular units into frameworks, has been applied in many fields based on two cutting-edge porous framework materials, namely metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and covalent-organic frameworks (COFs). With flexibility in composition, structure, and pore chemistry, MOFs and COFs have shown increasing functionalities associated with agrochemistry in the last decade, potentially introducing reticular chemistry as a highly accessible chemical toolbox into agrochemical technologies. In this critical review, Professor Sun and his co-authors have demonstrated how reticular chemistry shapes the future of agrochemistry in the fields of farm sensing, agro-ecological preservation and reutilization, agrochemical formulations, smart indoor farming, agrobiotechnology, and beyond.

Professor Sun is an Academician of six academies including Royal Irish Academy, Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe), Polish Academy of Sciences, International Academy of Food Science and Technology, International Academy of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and International Academy of Refrigeration. He has published over 1000 papers including more than 600 peer-reviewed journal papers indexed by Web of Science, with Web of Science h-index = 103, SCOPUS h-index = 107 and Google Scholar h-index = 121, among them, 64 papers have been selected by the Essential Science IndicatorsSM as Highly Cited / Hot Papers in Field, ranking him No. 1 in the world in Agricultural Sciences (November 2020). Professor Sun has also been named Highly Cited Researcher in the last 6 consecutive years (2015- 2020) by Clarivate Analytics.

Introducing reticular chemistry into agrochemistry (DOI: 10.1039/c9cs00829b) can be accessed at (opens in a new window)https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/cs/c9cs00829b/unauth#!divAbstract

UCD Food Refrigeration & Computerised Food Technology

Food Refrigeration and Computerized Food Technology University College Dublin Agriculture & Food Science Centre Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7342