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Professor Da-Wen Sun tops the World Ranking in ESI Highly Cited Papers

Thursday, 18 July, 2019

The Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database from Clarivate Analytics has been updated as of 11 July 2019, to cover a 10 year and 4 months period, 1 January 2009 – 30 April 2019, and a total number of 68 papers published by Professor Da-Wen Sun have been designated by ESI as “Highly Cited Papers”, ranking Professor Sun on the 1st place in Agricultural Sciences in the World. In addition, 13 papers from Professor Sun has also been designated as “Hot Papers”. ESI database is updated bi-monthly with six times a year, and the current update is the second bi-monthly update of 2019.

Professor Sun is a global authority in food engineering research and education. He is an Academician of six academies, including Member of Royal Irish Academy, the highest academic honour in Ireland; Member of Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe), one of the most prestigious academies in the world; Foreign Member of Polish Academy of Sciences, the highest lifetime honour bestowed by the Polish government; Fellow of International Academy of Food Science and Technology; Fellow of International Academy of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, and Full Member of International Academy of Refrigeration. He has published over 1,000 papers including more than 500 peer-reviewed journal papers indexed by Web of Science, with Web of Science h-index of 95, SCOPUS h-index of 101 and Google Scholar h-index of 110. He has also been named Highly Cited Researcher in the last 4 consecutive years (2015- 2018) by Clarivate Analytics.

UCD Food Refrigeration & Computerised Food Technology

Food Refrigeration and Computerized Food Technology University College Dublin Agriculture & Food Science Centre Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7342