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Research Output of Professor Da-Wen Sun Continues Topping UCD

Thursday, 27 October, 2022

The Output-Based Research Support Scheme (OBRSS) of University College Dublin (UCD) has just released the OBRSS statements to faculty and Professor Da-Wen Sun has again received the maximum monetary amount of research support from the scheme, continuing to maintain the top position in UCD in research outputs.

Research activity is critical to UCD's reputation as a leading international university. UCD recognises that commitment to excellent research builds UCD’s reputation, and therefore UCD has developed the Output-Based Research Support Scheme (OBRSS) to disburse research support funds to faculty based on their research outputs, as captured through publications and PhD supervision.

The UCD OBRSS assigns points for each publication and PhD student supervised. Different types of publications are awarded different numbers of points. Points then translate into a monetary amount of research support.

The UCD OBRSS was first introduced in 2016, since then, Professor Da-Wen Sun has received the maximum award in UCD each year (except in 2021, when he received €15,069.25, which was €661 short to reach the maximum of € 15,730), making significant contributions in promoting UCD's international reputation as a leading research university in the world.

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