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Three PhD Students Supervised by Professor Da-Wen Sun Passed Their PhD Vivas in September 2014

Monday, 26 March, 2018

In the first two weeks of September 2014, UCD School of Biosystems Engineering held three separate PhD viva voce examinations. Miss Chaohui Feng, Mr. Yaoze Feng, and Mr. Yang Tao have well defended their PhD thesis examination and been recommended for awarding the PhD degree, successfully concluding their 4 year PhD study in UCD. During the viva, all the students were highly commended by the external examiners. This is the first time in the UCD history that three Chinese students funded by UCD-CSC have completed their PhD study at the same time. The three Chinese students have been supervised by Professor Da-Wen Sun, UCD School of Biosystems Engineering.

Photo: Miss Chaohui Feng (PhD student, middle), Professor Da-Wen Sun (l, Supervisor) and Professor José Antonio Beltrán Gracia (r, External Examiner) after the PhD viva voce.

The students started their PhD studies in UCD in September 2010, funded by UCD-CSC scheme, under the supervision of Professor Da-Wen Sun. Their PhD projects were integrated into the internationally renowned research programme in UCD Food Refrigeration and Computerised Food Technology, which has been substantially funded by Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine and the EU 7th Framework, and their studies covered a diverse range of topics including immersion vacuum cooling of Irish sausages, hyperspectral imaging for detection and/or visualization of bacteria in chicken breast fillets, and applications of ultrasound and high pressure processing technologies on wine. During their 4 years of PhD study, each student has already published 5-7 high impact peer-reviewed papers in leading international journals and a number of conference papers, indicating the very high quality and diversity of UCD PhD programme and the research undertaken in UCD, as commented by the external examiners.

Photo: Mr Yang Tao (PhD student, middle) with the members of the viva committee and his PhD Supervisor Professor Da-Wen Sun after the PhD viva voce.

The UCD-CSC scheme is jointly funded by University College Dublin and the China Scholarship Council (CSC) affiliated with the Ministry of Education of China. This unique scholarship scheme is established to assist Chinese students to pursue postgraduate research in UCD leading to a PhD. Currently another 5 Chinese students funded by the scheme is studying for a PhD degree under the supervision of Professor Da-Wen Sun.

See Morehttps://www.ucd.ie/graduatestudies/researchprogrammes/assessmentexamination/

UCD Food Refrigeration & Computerised Food Technology

Food Refrigeration and Computerized Food Technology University College Dublin Agriculture & Food Science Centre Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7342