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UCD Professor Da-Wen Sun is awarded International Research Award in 2013

Tuesday, 27 March, 2018

UCD Professor Da-Wen Sun, UCD School of Biosystems Engineering, has received the Frozen Food Foundation Freezing Research Award from the International Association of Food Protection (IAFP). The award is in recognition of his “pre-eminence and outstanding contributions in research that impact food safety attributes of freezing”.

Professor Sun has a long history of conducting research related to food freezing and he has published over 50 book chapters and journal papers on food freezing technology. Over the past ten years, Professor Sun has made a significant contribution to the field of ultrasound-assisted freezing using unconventional food freezing technologies. His work has attracted substantial funding from Science Foundation Ireland and the EU’s 7th Framework Programme. In addition, his book entitled “Handbook of Frozen Food Processing and Packaging” published in 2006 has become one of the standard reference books in the field for both researchers and engineers in university and industry.

The award will be presented to Professor Sun during the Annual Meeting of IAFP in Charlotte, North Carolina on 31 July. This is the first time that this prestigious award will be made to an individual outside the USA.

The Frozen Food Foundation Freezing Research Award is the only award to be given by IAFP specifically for frozen food-related research. Incorporated in 2004, the foundation`s mission is to foster scientific research, public awareness and frozen food industry education for the benefit of the common good.

UCD Food Refrigeration & Computerised Food Technology

Food Refrigeration and Computerized Food Technology University College Dublin Agriculture & Food Science Centre Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7342