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Research Projects in 2003-2004

Friday, 16 February, 2018

Modelling of heat and mass transfer during thawing of cooked cured meat (PhD)

A. E. Delgado and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: National Council of Technological and Scientific Research of Argentina, University College Dublin

Comparison of different cooling methods for ready meals (PhD)

Z. H. Zhang and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: EU Food Institutional Research Measure/Department of Agriculture and Food, Dublin

Development of high quality of cooked meat products using vacuum cooling technology (PhD)

Q. F. Cheng and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: EU Food Institutional Research Measure/Department of Agriculture and Food, Dublin

Evaluation of cooked meat quality using computer vision (PhD)

C. J. Du and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: EU Food Institutional Research Measure/Department of Agriculture and Food, Dublin

Food quality enhancement using high pressure freezing (PhD)

E. Hogan and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, Dublin

Innovative combined cooking/cooling technology for cooked meat products (PhD)

L. S. Drummond and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: EU Food Institutional Research Measure/Department of Agriculture and Food, Dublin

The use of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) to optimally design a mechanically-ventilated calf house (PhD)

T. Norton, Da-Wen Sun, Jim Grant (Teagasc Kinsealy Research Centre), J.

J. Lenehan (Teagasc Grange Research Centre)

Sponsors: Teagasc Walsh Fellowship, Dublin

Reheating quality of rapidly cooled ready meals (MEngSc)

W. H. Gao and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: EU Food Institutional Research Measure/Department of Agriculture and Food, Dublin

Determination of shrinkage of cooked meats by computer vision method (MEngSc)

C. X. Zheng and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: EU Food Institutional Research Measure/Department of Agriculture and Food, Dublin

UCD Food Refrigeration & Computerised Food Technology

Food Refrigeration and Computerized Food Technology University College Dublin Agriculture & Food Science Centre Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7342