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Research Projects in 2005-2006

Friday, 16 February, 2018

Using Vacuum Immersion Cooling to Reduce Mass Loss from Water Cooked Pork Ham  (PhD)

Q. F. Cheng and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: EU Food Institutional Research Measure/Department of Agriculture and Food, Dublin

Mathematical Modelling and Experimental Studies of Freezing and Thawing Processes and Sorption Isotherms of Cooked Cured Pork and Beef (PhD)

A. E. Delgado and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: National Council of Technological and Scientific Research of Argentina, University College Dublin

Quality Assessment of Water Cooked Beef Joints Cooled by Air Blast (AB), Vacuum Cooling (VC) or Immersion Vacuum Cooling (IVC) (PhD)

L. S. Drummond and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: EU Food Institutional Research Measure/Department of Agriculture and Food, Dublin

Pore Characterisation of Cooked Pork Ham Using Computer Vision (PhD)

C. J. Du and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: EU Food Institutional Research Measure/Department of Agriculture and Food, Dublin

Computer Vision in the Meat Industry, Modern Applications and Classification Techniques (PhD)

P. Jackman and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: Teagasc Walsh Fellowship, Dublin

Optimal Design of a Naturally Ventilated Calf House: Isothermal Optimisation with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) (PhD)

T. Norton, Jim Grant (Teagasc Kinsealy Research Centre), R. Fallon  (Teagasc Grange Research Centre) and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: Teagasc Walsh Fellowship, Dublin

Cooling of Cooked Spaghetti and Mashed Potato (PhD)

Z. H. Zhang and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: EU Food Institutional Research Measure/Department of Agriculture and Food, Dublin

Characterization of Texture Properties of Large Cooked Beef Joints Using Computer Vision (PhD)

C. X. Zheng and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: EU Food Institutional Research Measure/Department of Agriculture and Food, Dublin

Simulation of A High Pressure Shift Freezing  (HPSF) Process for Use with Foods  (MEngSc)

E. Hogan, P. Grace  and Da-Wen Sun

Sponsors: Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, Dublin

UCD Food Refrigeration & Computerised Food Technology

Food Refrigeration and Computerized Food Technology University College Dublin Agriculture & Food Science Centre Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7342