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UCD Registry Jargon Buster

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Term Meaning
Academic Regulations Academic Regulations are a set of rules that govern all modules and programmes. All students, including students returning to their programme following a leave of absence or withdrawal, are governed by the Academic Regulations in place in the academic session they (re) register.
Academic Statement An Academic Statement is a short document that shows a student their years registered, their degree awarded, their overall grade and conferring date.

It does not show modules and results so if a student requires a full breakdown of results they should get an Academic Transcript instead.

Academic Transcript
An Academic Transcript lists a student's complete academic history: programmes attended, a breakdown of marks/grades achieved, the degree awarded, their overall grade and conferring date.

If they have not yet finished their programme, then a Statement of Results (see below) would be more suitable.
Academic Year

The UCD academic year is divided into trimesters. The Autumn Trimester is September-December and the Spring Trimester is January-May. There is also a Summer Trimester that runs from May to August. 

•September Start Students begin in the Autumn Trimester.
•January Start Students begin in the Spring Trimester

•May Start Students begin in the Summer Trimester

Assessment information Assessment information for a module, such as exams, essays, MCQs, is recorded by the relevant staff in the Module Descriptor Form (see below). This information then feeds into the online Course Search page so students can find out what assessments are part of a particular module. When the Module Descriptor Form is closed for edits assessment details are only changeable with a Change of Assessment Strategy form via the Assessment unit

The Assessment Office will also check this information when planning for end-of-trimester exams.
Assistant Grader An Assistant Grader is a member of staff who can enter component marks/grades into the Grade Entry System for designated modules. To get Assistant Grader access to a module, contact the relevant Module Coordinator or School Administrator who can grant you access via the (opens in a new window)Module Access Management page in InfoHub.

(opens in a new window)B
Banner (Student Information System)

Banner SIS (Student Information System) is the application used in the university to support the management of programmes and modules as well as the administration of students throughout their time in UCD. Information recorded includes registration details, fee information and assessment results.

The Systems and Data Services team manage Banner account access

To access Banner go to UCD Connect and click on the Banner icon. Log in with your UCD Connect Username and Password. You will need to use the Staff VPN if working remotely and also Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). 

Two common Banner screens used are:

•SFAREGS - for manually registering a student to a module

•SPACMNT - for checking/adding student comments 

Support and training documentation is available on the web.

Brightspace Brightspace is an eLearning tool, specially designed for universities. It is used by lecturers to share course material with students and to post class announcements. It also includes other useful features such as virtual classrooms, discussion forums, surveys and much more.

You can access Brightspace through UCD Connect (icon available on the top right of screen). Your Brightspace username is the same as your UCD Connect username. Module Coordinators and School Administrators can grant staff members access to Brightspace via the (opens in a new window)Module Access Management page in InfoHub.

Contact the IT Support Hub for support.

If you belong to the UCD College of Business, please contact (opens in a new window)business.elearning@ucd.ie
Capacity Management

The capacity of a module refers to how many places are available in a module for a given trimester/academic term. Modules have an overall capacity that is split between Core, Option, Elective places as required. Some modules also set aside some places for international students and open-learning students. This is decided by the School and recorded in the Module Descriptor Form.

The following reports will allow you to check module places

The Systems and Data Services team can help you manage the capacity of your module during the registration season. Contact (opens in a new window)systems.data@ucd.ie

Certificate of Attendance A Certificate or Letter of Attendance verifies years registered and in attendance at UCD. It states name, programme title, registration status and stage. Students might need one to open a bank account or apply for a (opens in a new window)GNIB visa.
All students can produce and publish their Certificates of Attendance online via their SISWeb account.
CMIS - timetabling CMIS - the Central Management Information System, is used to manage room allocations and generate UCD’s lecture schedules and assessment timetables.
Lecture timetables are coordinated by Room Allocations (liaising with Schools/Colleges and UCD Registry).
Exam timetables are managed by Assessment in UCD Registry.
Component Modules are usually made up of components such as an essay, practical, MCQ or final exam. Students complete assessments for each component and the results are combined to give an overall module grade.

Component information for a module is recorded in the Module Descriptor Form.
Co-requisite modules These are modules that must be taken together. The Course Search will show if a module has a list of co-requisites.
Course Search Students can use this search tool to find information about their programme or modules.
Credit Credit is the value given to a module. A 5-credit module will require 100 to 150 hours of work. This includes lectures/seminars, self-directed study and assessment. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) provides a framework to clarify the relationship between educational activity and credit value.
Course Reference Number (CRN) Modules are made up of different elements such as lecture times, tutorial times etc. A CRN is used to identify each individual time slot so when a student registers for lectures, tutorials etc. they can see exactly where they need to be on their timetable. For staff, CRNs are used to create class lists and populate the Grade Entry System.

CRNs are created for each module code. If a module is taught in the Autumn Trimester and the Spring Trimester then separate CRNs will be created for each trimester.

You can see the CRNs that belong to your School on the Module CRNs by Academic Year and School report on InfoHub or the (opens in a new window)Web Timetable in Infohub.
Curriculum Management System This system is available in InfoHub (Students tab > Curriculum, Module Capacity & Timetables). It allows faculty and staff to edit curriculum information for modules, majors and programmes during specified timelines. Support and training are available from the (opens in a new window)Curriculum Team in Customer and Curriculum Operations, UCD Registry.
(opens in a new window)D
Diploma Supplement The Diploma Supplement is available to all UCD Graduates from 2005 onwards. It shows additional information about their award such as skills and competencies acquired. Most graduates can produce one online via their SISWeb.
(opens in a new window)E
eFinancials eFinancials allows you to review and manage financial information for your School/Unit. An account request form and further information is available on the (opens in a new window)Bursar's website.
(opens in a new window)eProcurement The eProcurement system is used to order goods and services from UCD Suppliers. Go to UCD Connect and click on the eProcurement icon. An account request form and further information is available on the (opens in a new window)Bursar's website.
Employee Self Service (ESS) Online system, managed by HR, that allows you to clock in/out, check your payslips, see how much annual leave you have and apply for internal jobs. To find it, go to www.ucd.ie/connect and click on the icon. Use your UCD Connect username and password to log in.
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) The ECTS provides a framework to clarify the relationship between educational activity and credit value. In line with national and EU requirements, UCD operates a credit system whereby one ECTS credit corresponds to a norm of 20-30 hours of total student effort.

An undergraduate module size of 5 ECTS credits is standard across the University. This equals 100 to 150 hours of work.  

A student may transfer their ECTS credits from one university to another and they are added up to contribute to an individual's degree programme or training (see the (opens in a new window)Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and the (opens in a new window)Protocol for Programme Transfer for information on this process in UCD). The ECTS is a central part of the (opens in a new window)Bologna Process.
Elective module A module that a student may choose to do if their timetable allows and there are places available. An Elective module can be taken in most of the subjects taught in UCD.  
Students can normally choose Electives through the online registration system.

(opens in a new window)Exceptional Grade Change Changes to grades should only be required in exceptional circumstances such as administrative error or a serious extenuating circumstance. If you need to make a change to a grade that is already in academic history, complete an Exceptional Change of Grade Form and send it to the Assessment Office. You will find it under the (opens in a new window)General Grading Information section of the Assessment website
(opens in a new window)Extenuating Circumstances These are serious unforeseen circumstances beyond a student's control that prevent them from meeting the requirements of their programme. A student affected by illness or a family situation, for example, can submit an extenuating circumstances form that may be taken into consideration by the relevant Module Coordinator/Exam Board. In some Schools, this process is done in (opens in a new window)InfoHub.

IA and WN are module grades that can be awarded based on extenuating circumstances.
(opens in a new window)
Read about how to operate and implement the Policy on Extenuating Circumstances
(opens in a new window)G
(opens in a new window)Grade Approvals Process (GAP) The Grade Approvals Process is the sequence of events carried out by College and School Offices leading up to the publication of exam results each trimester. It involves grade entry via Grade Entry System, running the Programme Examination Review Committee process, committing grades to academic history and the ratifying of final results by the Programme Exam Board.

(opens in a new window)Check the Assessment Office website for the key dates and reports that need to be run during the process.
Grade Entry System The UCD Grade Entry System is designed to enable the relevant staff in Schools to enter assessment grades directly to the Banner Student Information System via InfoHub.

Module Coordinators get access automatically based on the information submitted at the Module Descriptor stage. If you need Module Coordinator access to a module in the Grade Entry System contact your College Liaison (in the Curriculum Team) or email (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie.

Other users (e.g. Assistant Graders) can get access by asking the relevant Module Coordinator to grant them access via the (opens in a new window)Module Access Management page in InfoHub.

Further support and training documentation is available on the web.
Grade Point Each grade has a number associated with it, called a grade point. For students, this is used to combine grades in all their modules and calculate an average score.
Grade Mode A Grade Mode is used to indicate if a module registration is a first attempt or a repeat/resit attempt.

M = first attempt.
R = repeat or resit attempt (causes the Grade Point Value of the module to be capped)

You will see Grade Mode recorded in the SFAREGS screen in Banner.
Grade Point Average When a student has completed all the modules of a Stage, all their grade points are averaged to get a Grade Point Average, or GPA, for that Stage.
(opens in a new window)I
Incompatible modules Students may not register to a module if they are also registered to, or have already been registered to, another module where the content is considered to be too similar. This type of information is recorded in the Module Descriptor Form (see below) by the relevant staff.

Students can then use the Course Search to see if a module has a list of incompatible modules.
InfoHub InfoHub is the system used by IT Services to deliver reports and other online services to staff and students. Reports available to staff include class lists as well as curriculum, registration and financial information. You can also send emails to students and staff via the Targeted Communications System in InfoHub.

To access it, go to UCD Connect and click on the InfoHub icon.

If you have any queries about your InfoHub account please contact IT Services via IT Support Hub

IX grade

Incomplete due to extenuating circumstances

(Overall/Final Grade)

This is a grade that may be given to a student if they are unable to complete part of their module assessment due to extenuating circumstances such as a short illness.
Documentation is required, e.g. medical certificate, stating why they were unable to complete the module.                

Things to note:
• The Programme Exam Board decides if the IX grade will be awarded
• The IX grade can be entered via Grade Entry (InfoHub) by the module coordinator
• An IX is grade point neutral; it  does not count towards the GPA
• Outstanding work must be completed within two trimesters of the initial attempt
• Credit is only awarded on completion of  outstanding work – the IX grade can then be changed to the new grade
• If the student does not complete the work then the IX grade will be changed back to the grade they would have received

To update an IX grade fill out The Exceptional Grade Change (EGC) system which can be accessed
via My Modules Grades in InfoHub. See the(opens in a new window) user guide for more.
(opens in a new window)J
January start Some programmes (mostly graduate) begin the academic year in January and go through to the following January. See also September start and May start.

Term Meaning
(opens in a new window)L
Laboratory, Practicals and Fieldwork These are opportunities for students to do the practical work related to their course and to put into practice the knowledge and techniques they learn in their lectures, e.g. carrying out chemistry experiments or visiting historic sites.

Students in certain Science and Agriculture modules will be registered to the relevant labs and practicals through a central process (Student Fitting) run by UCD Registry in conjunction with the relevant Schools/Programmes.
Leave of Absence (LOA)  The purpose of a leave of absence is to allow a student to take an approved and specified period of time off before returning and completing their programme. A student can request a Leave of Absence online via SISWeb.
Staff in Colleges/Schools can review and approve the request via the Student Decisions menu in InfoHub. The Student Record team in UCD Registry amend the student's registration on receipt of official approval.
Lecture These are formal presentations on a particular aspect of a course and are designed to stimulate thinking and reading. The focus is on providing students with an overview of a topic, which they will then be expected to research in more depth using UCD libraries, the internet and other study aids.
Level The level of a module is an indication of the level of difficulty of the learning outcomes and the material that will be studied, and broadly indicates the stage in a student's academic career when they are likely to attempt the module. Levels range from 0-5 with 0 being the most basic level.
Generally, levels 1-3 are taken by undergraduate students.
(opens in a new window)M
Major Subjects may contribute to an undergraduate Bachelor Degree programme in one of four modes: Single Major, Major (with Minor), Joint Major, or Structured Electives.
Manual registration Manual registration is when a staff member amends a student's registration information (e.g. modules) directly in the SFAREGS screen in Banner.

Support and training is available from UCD Registry.
May start Some programmes (mostly graduate) begin the academic year in May and go through to the following April. See also September start and January start.
Minimum fee payment The amount of fees owing that a student needs to pay at the start of the academic year.
Module A self-contained unit of teaching and learning, which is usually studied over one trimester. Each module has a credit value, normally 5 ECTS credits.
Module Access Management The (opens in a new window)Module Access Management system allows Module Coordinators and School Administrators to view and amend who has access to modules (in Grade Entry, Class Lists etc.).
Contact your College Liaison or email (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie for help.
Module Coordinator The Module Coordinator is responsible for the design, delivery and assessment of a module and acts as the principal examiner for that module. Their name will be associated with the module in the module descriptor.
Students can use the Course Search to see who the coordinator of a module is.
Module Descriptor The module descriptor details all mandatory elements of module information specified in section 3.16 of the Academic Regulations. Information recorded includes passing grade, purpose and overarching content, learning outcomes, capacity, student effort hours, and assessment strategies (components, exams). The (opens in a new window)My Modules menu on the Curriculum Management System in InfoHub allows staff to view, edit and update module information during specified timelines.

The Curriculum Team in UCD Registry provides support and training.  

Information from the descriptor is used for timetabling, registration and assessment (Grade Entry and exam timetable) purposes.
Module status The module status indicates the type of module a student is registered to. The main types are:
RE = Core
RW = Option
RV = Elective
RF = First Year Elective
RR = Registered Repeat
ES = Registered Resit
RA = Registered Audit

You will see this status recorded in the SFAREGS screen in Banner.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) UCD uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) using Duo to provide an extra layer of account security when logging into systems such as Gmail and InfoHub using your Connect details. You can download the Duo Mobile App to receive a Push Verification when you log in. 
(opens in a new window)O
Online registration Students confirm their attendance at UCD and register for modules using the online registration system. They access it through SISWeb.

The (opens in a new window)Student Web Registration page in Infohub allows staff to 'log in' as a student and view a read-only version of their online registration.
Option module A module that is part of a student's programme. They will be given a list of Option modules to choose from when they register online. Students can use the Course Search to check the Option modules for their programme.
(opens in a new window)P
Part of Term This is used in Banner to identify what part of the academic year a module belongs to:
FYR = Full Year
AUT = Autumn Trimester
SPR = Spring Trimester
SUM = Summer Trimester

This information is used for timetabling and registration purposes.
It is also needed to run certain reports e.g. Programme Exam Board.
Pre-requisite module In some cases, a student cannot register for a particular module unless they have passed other modules first. This information should be included in the module descriptor.

Students can use the Course Search to see if a module has a list of pre-requisites.
Programme This is a student's course of study, for example, BA Degree. Each programme will have requirements as well as a set number of stages and credits that a student needs to complete to get a University award (degree, diploma or certificate).
Programme Examination Board A Programme Examination Board is responsible for ratifying assessment results during the Grade Approvals Process.
(opens in a new window)Programme Structures The programme structure refers to the modules associated with a major for a particular academic term.

(opens in a new window)Structures reports are available in InfoHub. Support and advice is available from your College Liaison or email (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie
Progression Progression is when a student completes an attempt at a stage and moves to the next stage of their programme. Progression usually occurs at the end of an academic session but it may also occur after the Autumn Trimester (mid-year progression) in certain situations, such as where a student has carried repeat modules.
(opens in a new window)R
Remediation If a student fails a module they will be given alternatives for completing the credits required. See Repeat, Resit, Substitute. The remediation strategy for a module should be clearly laid out in the Module Descriptor form.
Repeat a module If a student fails a module, they may be able to repeat it the next time it is taught. They will normally be expected to attend the lectures/tutorials and do any continuous assessment and/or exams. If they pass, the module will have the suffix R and be subject to a penalty of 0.6 (or 3 grade points).

Remediation information for a module e.g. availability of a repeat or resit should be included on the Module Descriptor form when the coordinator is filling it out.

Students can then see if a module offers a repeat by using the Course Search to find it and looking at the 'What happens if I fail?' section of the module description.
Resit a module If a student fails a module that is not being taught in the following trimester, they may be offered a resit opportunity such as an in-trimester assessment. They will not need to reattend and the resit will have pass/fail grade. If they pass, their grade point will be capped at 2.0.

Remediation information for a module e.g. availability of a repeat or resit should be included on the Module Descriptor form when the coordinator is filling it out.

Students can see if a module offers a resit by using the Course Search to find it and looking at the 'What happens if I fail?' section of the module description.
(opens in a new window)S
September start Most undergraduate and graduate taught programmes start their academic year in September and go through to the following May. There are two other intakes of students into the academic year - January and May.
SISWeb SISWeb allows students to register and pay their fees online, it also provides lecture and exam timetables and examination past papers. Access is given to all students before registration. See also UCD Connect.
(opens in a new window)Staff Virtual Private Network (VPN) The University VPN provides University staff with a secure way to connect their work devices to the University network in order to access University systems when off-campus. You will need it to access systems such as Banner while working remotely. To request VPN access, go to the IT Support Hub and choose (opens in a new window)Request Something
Stage Modular programmes work on the principle of building up credits, and a student will progress through their programme in stages as they earn these credits. At undergraduate level each stage normally represents 60 credits. A full-time student will normally complete a 60-credit stage in one academic year. A degree programme will normally be three to four stages, although some degree programmes, for example Veterinary Medicine, Medicine and Architecture, have more stages.
Statement of Results A Statement of Results (a.k.a. Examination Judgment) is a short document listing the marks/grades obtained in each module for a specific exam period (i.e. per year or per trimester). If a student has completed their degree, an Academic Transcript will list all of their academic history.
Student Contribution Charge The Student Contribution Charge covers costs associated with student services, examinations, admissions, registration, fees administration and student records. It is payable by all students on 'free' fees programmes. The amount is set by the Department of Education & Skills each year.  Students approved for a SUSI/local authority grant will have their student contribution paid on their behalf by SUSI/local authority.
Student Desk The Student Desk is the University's point of contact for most of the administrative services a student will need during their time as a UCD student. Visit the Student Desk website to learn more about the services they provide.

The Student Desk works closely with other support units, such as UCARD, UCD Library and the College/School Offices, to ensure smooth service for UCD students.
Student Email Protocol UCD uses email as an official method of communication with students. Emails sent to students through the UCD Targeted Communications System in InfoHub will automatically be copied to the student’s personal email account unless the student has indicated otherwise in the ‘My Profile’ tab in their SISWeb account. UCD Connect email remains the official channel of communication.
Student Fitting Student Fitting is the clash-free allocation to practicals, labs and tutorials for selected groups of students. This is carried out by the Systems and Data Services team in UCD Registry and takes place in September for the Autumn Trimester and December for the Spring Trimester.         

Current areas using Student Fitting are Science and Agriculture. There is a list of modules included in student fitting published on the web during the process.
Student Levy The Student Levy is paid by students as part of their fees. It funds student facilities such as the UCD Sports Centre. The levy is not covered by SUSI/local grant authority awards.
Substitute a module If a student fails an Option or Elective module they can substitute it with another module that meets the requirements of the programme. The student will need to pay for the module.
(opens in a new window)SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland) SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland) is the single national Awarding Authority for all new student grant applications. Students can apply online through (opens in a new window)www.grantsonline.ie.

Fees and Data Management (UCD Registry) receives files of approved applicants from SUSI and the information is recorded in the Banner system.
(opens in a new window)T
(opens in a new window)Targeted Communications Systems The Targeted Communications System allows staff to send emails to selected groups of UCD students and staff. It is available from the Systems menu in InfoHub (via UCD Connect).

The system sends emails to UCD Connect addresses. It will also send a copy to a student's personal email address if they have provided one.

Contact IT Services via IT Support Hub with any queries.
Timetabling This is the process of collating meeting times for lectures, tutorials etc. and recording them on the central university timetable.

Programme timetables are drawn up locally and the programme timetablers then liaise with representatives from UCD Registry and the Room Allocations team who jointly work to record the online timetable.
Timetable Clash (Time Conflict) A timetable clash is where a module a student wants to take is scheduled at the same time as some part (e.g. lecture, tutorial, practical, etc.) of another module to which they are already registered. Online registration will tell the student that the modules clash and will not let them register to both. Sometimes a student will need to be registered to a repeat module at the same time as another module. In this case, you will need to register them manually through Banner (SFAREGS).
Trimester UCD academic year is divided into trimesters. The Autumn Trimester is September to December, The Spring Trimester is January to May and the Summer Trimester is May to August.
Undergraduate programmes are normally taught in the Autumn and Spring Trimesters. Within each trimester, you will have 12 weeks of teaching, revision weeks and exams. Study Abroad and Exchange students will sometimes attend for one trimester only.
Tutorial/Seminar Students can normally register for tutorials/seminars through online registration. You may occasionally need to manually register a student using Banner (SFAREGS) if they are unable to do it online. Use the (opens in a new window)Module Timetable Search in InfoHub to check for the appropriate CRN.
(opens in a new window)U

UCD Student Card
UCD Staff Card
A student UCARD is the official identification card for a UCD student. They use it to access the Library and UCD Sports & Fitness as well as pay for printing/photocopying. They will also need to bring it with them if sitting end-of-trimester exams.

A staff UCARD is also available. You may need one to access your building or to access the UCD Library. You may also need to use it to access CopiPrint photocopiers and printers.

You can request a UCARD by emailing the UCARD Bureau at (opens in a new window)ucard@ucd.ie
You may need to upload a photo first - do this through the (opens in a new window)UCARD tab in InfoHub.
(opens in a new window)UCD Connect UCD Connect (www.ucd.ie/connect) provides you with access to online services such as email, InfoHub, Brightspace, online registration, official documents and UView. All UCD staff and students have access.
UCD Horizons UCD Horizons is the name given to the modular and credit-based structure for taught degrees at UCD. As well as the subjects students need to study for their programme they can also take elective modules in other subjects that interest them.
UCD Registry UCD Registry delivers a broad range of student and academic administrative services to the University. Registry comprises the Office of the Director of Registry and five internal units: Student Recruitment, Admissions, Fees and Data Management, Customer and Curriculum Operations, and Assessment.        

Services delivered include events for prospective students and admission into UCD programmes. Registry also manages and supports the key areas of fees, grants, curriculum, timetabling, registration, assessment and conferring.
UView UView is an online page in InfoHub which allows you to view many aspects of a student's record such as their Programme history, module registration, GPA's and grades. The information provided comes from the Banner system. Look for it in the Students menu in (opens in a new window)InfoHub. If you can't see it as a menu item contact IT Services via IT Support Hub for access.

Students can also use UView to look at their student record. They access it through the (opens in a new window)Registration, Fees & Assessment menu in SISWeb.
(opens in a new window)W
(opens in a new window)Withdrawal from a programme If a student decides not to continue with their programme of studies they can withdraw permanently from their programme and from the University. They can do this through SISWeb. The UCD Withdrawal Procedure will help them with the process.
The Student Record team in UCD Registry is responsible for updating a student's record on foot of receiving official notification from their College or School Office. This is managed through the Student Decisions menu in InfoHub.
Workload Student workload is the amount of time spent by a student on university study, including both scheduled contact time (lectures, tutorials, laboratories, workshops, etc.) and individual (or group) study and is measured through the allocation of ECTS credits.
WN grade - Withdrawn Withdrawn from a module
This is the grade given if a student withdraws from a module before the end of week 12 of a trimester, or before the last day of teaching in a trimester.
Please note
• No credit is awarded
• If you register to the module again it is treated as a first attempt
• Fee implications may apply

Contact UCD Registry

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)