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Internal Examiner

The Role of the Internal Examiner 

  • Comply with all University examination guidelines and procedures, and all relevant Programme requirements, University regulations, policies and guidelines that relate to the graduate research Programme of study. 
  • In the case of the Research Master’s degree, act as the Chair of the Examination Committee. 
  • Where Examiners unanimously recommend award of the degree, on the nomination of the Chair of the Examination Committee, compile a high-level joint Final Degree Report on behalf of all Examiners containing an assessment of the academic standards of the thesis, the Examination Committee’s recommendation relating to degree award, and, if relevant, the candidate’s performance in the viva voce examination.
  • Where the Examiners disagree and cannot unanimously recommend that the degree be awarded, submit a separate report, via the Chair of the Examination Committee, to the Academic Council Committee on Examinations for review and adjudication.
  • On nomination by the Chair of the Examination Committee, ensure that all required revisions have been made to the thesis, and submit verification of this to the Chair of the Examination Committee, before award of the degree is authorised by the Academic Council Committee on Examinations. 

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University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
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