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Hardbound Thesis

When the revisions to the thesis have been completed and approved offline the student will upload their clean revised Final Thesis.

When this Final Thesis is approved the student can submit their Hard-bound Thesis, by hand or by post to the Student Desk, Ground Floor, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.

The hardbound thesis means the thesis is bound in a hard cover, often a black cover with gold lettering (however, other colours are accepted).

The year on the electronic thesis = the year on hard-bound thesis.

The hard cover will contain: The thesis title, student name, the award (eg PhD, MSc etc), and the year of award (eg 2024)

The thesis spine will contain: your name, the award (eg PhD, MSc etc), and the year of award (eg 2024

The Thesis Centre Image

(opens in a new window)The Thesis Centre

Contact UCD Registry

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)