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Submission of The Preliminary Report

Once the Supervisor approves the student’s thesis for examination, all members of the Exam Committee: Chair, Intern Examiner and Extern Examiner(s) receive notification by email.  

“Where a viva is required The viva voce examination will normally be held within 2 months of receipt of the thesis by the Examiners”. 

After reviewing the thesis all Examiners must submit their Preliminary Report.

Please note: the online report form does not have a save draft facility and also has a limit of 4k bytes per section. [Notepad++, free download, is the most reliable byte counter]. Please do not use the back arrow.

Submission of Preliminary Report

When all Examiners have submitted their Preliminary Reports the Chair can submit the Joint Degree Report.

Contact UCD Registry

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)