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A module remediation occurs when a student has been awarded a failing grade FM, FM-, FM+, or NM, and ABS and may make a further attempt to pass the module. This further attempt is called a module remediation attempt. 

The University has three types of module remediation: 

  • In Module Resit.
  • Resit Assessment.
  • Module Repeat.

Each remediation option has specific requirements and grading criteria per the University’s Academic Regulations 6.6 and 6.7.

Remediation Infographic (image)

Before selecting a remediation option, you should consider the following: 

  • For an in-module resit, is it feasible for the student(s) to complete the remediation before the Programme Exam Board confirms the programme grades? If a student fails an in-module resit, no further resit opportunities will be available to them, and they will be required to repeat or substitute the module.
  • For a resit, is it possible to offer an in-module resit or to repeat the module? If so, a resit should not be used. If a student fails a resit attempt, they will be required to repeat the module when it is next offered or substitute it within their programme requirements.
  • For a Repeat - Can the repeat be completed in one of the two subsequent trimesters? The only exception is a clinical teaching module, a field-based module, or a work placement, which can be remediated within one of the three subsequent trimesters. If a student fails a repeat of a module, they can avail of the remediation opportunity for the module.

If a student fails a module, they do not necessarily have to remediate the same module but will be required to fulfil the programme requirements. A Governing Board shall review the academic performance of a student where the student fails to remediate a failed module after three remediation attempts (this does not include the initial attempt).

Should you have any questions regarding the Remediation of your module, please contact Grading Support at (opens in a new window)grading.support@ucd.ie.

In-module resit

If a student receives a provisional failing grade for a module, the student may then avail of an in-module resit before the Programme Exam Board confirms the module grade and where an in-module resit is provided for in the module descriptor.

If a student passes an in-module resit attempt, a passing resit grade should be entered. 

In Module Resit Grade Scale (image)

Where a student receives a failing grade for an in-module resit attempt, the original provisional failing grade for the module should remain.

Module Resit

A resit assessment is a simple pass-fail instrument. The resit can be the minimum assessment required to determine whether the student has satisfactorily achieved the module's primary learning outcomes.

For a Resit, the following grade scale should be used.

Module Remediation

Repeat Module

Repeat remediations may require a student to complete all the module components again. Unless the module permits the grades of components, a student has passed to be carried forward into subsequent repeat attempts at the module.

For a Repeat, the following grade scale will be applied

(the standard grade is generated based on the component grades earned. The (R) repeat status and repeat Grade Point value are applied based on the student's Repeat registration status to the module).

Repeat Module Grade Scale (image)

Remediation Strategy Changes

In line with Academic Regulation section 3.16, each module must have specific information available to students via the Module Descriptor. One such element is the module's remediation option. Therefore, the remediation strategy for a module must be checked ahead of each academic year to ensure students are accessing accurate and up-to-date information.  

The remediation strategy set-up can be viewed in the My Modules menu in the Curriculum Management System (CMS). For information on who can access this information, please see the curriculum webpage Module Edits.  

What should I do if my remediation option is incorrect? 

If you discover the remediation of the module is incorrect, the following options are available to amend the remediation strategy: 

  • Editing the Module Descriptor—The Curriculum Management System CMS will be open for edits at various times throughout the academic year. Please refer to the Curriculum Management website for additional details on edit timelines. 
  • An Exemption is required to amend the remediation strategy of a module outside of Module Descriptor Edit Timelines or after the module's delivery has commenced.

Contact UCD Registry

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)