External Examiners for Taught Programmes
An Extern Examiner is appointed to exercise oversight of a subject or subject area in UCD at undergraduate and graduate level. In larger Schools in UCD, an Extern Examiner may be appointed to exercise oversight of a specific taught graduate programme.
- Easy Steps for Extern Examiners
- Guidelines for Extern Examiners for Taught Programmes
- Guide for Extern Examiners for Taught Programmes how to get access to UCD Systems
- UCD Guide to Module Academic Levels
- (opens in a new window)Example of a UCD Module Descriptor
- Brightspace Quick Guide for Extern Examiner Access
The University can reimburse an Extern Examiner for their fee once their annual report has been submitted.
External Examiners for Taught Programmes | |||
Description | Total Fee | Estimated Tax deducted | Estimated Net fee payable |
Visiting Fee per day – External Examiners for Taught Programmes | €442.00 | €212.00 | €230.00 |
The tax applies to fees claimed and not expenses.
Who is eligible to receive Extern Examiner payments?
External Examiners who have been appointed by the ACCE can be reimbursed for their fee once their annual report has been submitted.
How does an Extern Examiner claim their fee?
a) If the Extern Examiner attends for an on-site visit?
In order for you to be paid for your on-site visit you must complete the following steps:
- Complete a UCD HR online set up form in order to be set up on the HR & Payroll systems
- Once you have completed step 1, you and your School/Unit Contact will receive an email from UCD HR confirming your fee claim can now be processed
- Your School/Unit Contact will then submit a claim form to HR on your behalf
- Fees claimed will be paid directly into your bank account in the following payroll period
This policy applies to Irish residents/non-residents alike.
If the Extern Examiner attends for an on-site visit and they do not have an Irish PPS number, do they need to complete the PPS number field on the online set up form?
The PPS number field on the online set up form is a mandatory field, but where the individual does not have an Irish PPS number any series of dummy numbers e.g. 0000 can be entered (Extern Examiners with an Irish PPS number are required to enter their PPS number when completing the online setup form).
b) If the Extern Examiner completes their work remotely?
If you have not visited UCD in your role as Extern Examiner and the role has been completed entirely on a remote basis from outside Ireland, your fee can be claimed without deduction of Irish taxes.
You should send your Extern Examiner Fee Claim Form to the relevant Head of School as they will need to be signed and approved by the Head of School first. The School will then email the completed form to UCD Finance at (opens in a new window)nonstaffpayments@ucd.ie
Further guidance can be found on the UCD Human Resources Website
Visit to UCD
We look forward to your visit to the University and details below are provided to ensure you are fully aware of all travel requirements and information regarding expenses. You are asked to read through the information below carefully when preparing for your visit to the University.
Travel from overseas
If visiting the University from overseas in order to fulfil your function of Extern Examiner, you must ensure to comply with Immigration requirements where relevant. Important information for those travelling from overseas is available on the UCD Human Resources Website . Your contact in the School will also advise on these requirements when your visit is being organised. At this point, a formal letter will be issued to you and this provides all the required information for Immigration Authorities on your arrival to Ireland.
General Expenses Information
The University can reimburse an Extern Examiner for Accommodation, Travel and Incidental Expenses. Expenses cannot be reimbursed without the submission of receipts for expenses incurred. Please note itemised receipts are required along with credit card receipts where payment is made by card. If sending via email to the relevant School, scanned receipts should be legible. UCD will reimburse only the Extern Examiner and cannot make payment to hotels, travel agencies or other bodies.
Extern Examiners can make their own travel arrangements and pay upfront for accommodation and travel expenses, which can later be claimed by submitting the correct documentation and receipts. Alternatively, you can liaise with your administrative contact in the School who may be able to support you with this process.
Once the School has approved your fee and expenses your documentation will be forwarded by the School to UCD Finance at (opens in a new window)nonstaffpayments@ucd.ie. All claims should be received within 3 months of completing work for UCD.
Expense claims are processed with electronic payment transfer to the bank account of the Extern Examiner within 1 week of UCD Finance receiving all completed documentation from the School. Incomplete forms will be returned to the School for correction.
When you visit UCD, the vouched cost of reasonable hotel accommodation (up to a limit of €195 per night) will be reimbursed on submission of vouched receipts.
Length of stay should not exceed:
- 1-2 nights for an EU visitor.
- 1-3 nights for a non-EU visitor.
If a longer stay is necessary or the rate for accommodation is high, prior approval to cover additional costs is required from the relevant Head of School.
Travel expenses are paid by UCD to cover your visit to the University on submission of receipts. It is requested that the most economical form of transport to UCD is used, which may include flights (economy class only), parking and taxis. Public transport should be used where possible. Gratuities are not to be charged to UCD. Mileage can be paid in accordance with current UCD rates. Flights should be booked as far as possible in advance in order to obtain the most competitive rate.
It is advisable that all Extern Examiners have their own travel insurance.
Incidentals (where applicable)
UCD covers incidental expenses on the submission of receipts up to the daily subsistence rate of €42.99. Gratuities are not to be charged to UCD.
How do I claim expenses as an Extern Examiner?
You should send your Extern Examiner Expense Claim Form along with all receipts to the relevant Head of School as they will need to be signed and approved by the Head of School first. The school will then email completed forms along with all receipts to UCD Finance at (opens in a new window)nonstaffpayments@ucd.ie
How do I calculate the correct Exchange rate?
Exchange rates must be calculated on the first date of travel or the date work has been completed. (opens in a new window)Oanda.com is the website used by UCD to calculate exchange rates. Expenses should be quoted in the currency in which the expense was incurred.
How long before I will be reimbursed?
Expense claims are processed with electronic payment transfer to the bank account of the Extern Examiner within 1 week of UCD Finance receiving all completed documentation from the School. Incomplete forms will be returned to the School for correction.
For further information please contact (opens in a new window)externexaminer@ucd.ie or +353 1 716 1600.
For payment queries please contact your School Administration contact.
What are my role and responsibilities as an Extern Examiner within UCD?
The role and responsibilities of Extern Examiners are outlined in the Extern Examiners for Taught Programmes Policy.
Am I required to visit UCD?
Extern Examiners are recommended to visit the University at least once per year during the period of appointment. Please contact the school directly to arrange the best time for you to visit and to ensure that you receive the appropriate documentation in advance of your visit.
How should Extern Examiners' visits be organised?
Visits to the University and meetings with staff and students should be organised in person where possible. Relevant material, reports and documentation can be shared remotely or in-person between staff in UCD and the Extern Examiner. In all cases, material, reports and documentation should be provided securely and in accordance with the GDPR. The nature and schedule of meetings and all interactions should be agreed between the Extern Examiner and contact in the School.
Who should be my main points of contact in the School?
Once your appointment has been approved, you will receive an email with the names of the Head of School/Unit, the Academic contact and the Administrative contact who will be your main points of contact in the School.
Where and how do I submit my annual report?
All Extern Examiners are required to submit an annual report online via the University’s online submission system. Once your appointment has been approved you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the UCD online system. Step-by-step instructions can be found in Guidelines for External Examiners for Taught Programmes.
What if I cannot log on to the University’s online system?
If you have any difficulties, please email externexaminer@ucd.ie or call us on +353 1 716 1600.
How do I access UCD Systems?
Please see our step-by-step guide on how to access UCD systems such as Brightspace and Infohub (School Grading Summary): Guide for Extern Examiners for Taught Programmes how to get access to UCD Systems
How long should my annual report be?
Your report should be a minimum of 500 words with all sections completed.
When is the deadline for submission of my annual report?
Extern Examiner reports are due by 30 September. For 18-month programmes, the deadline is 31 March.
Who reads my annual report?
Your annual report is first of all reviewed within the School and then reviewed by the Office of the Registrar.
Extern Examiner access to UCD systems:
Q: How do I set up my UCD Connect account?
A: The process of setting up a UCD Connect account is explained in the Easy Steps for Extern Examiners and the Guide for Extern Examiners for Taught Programmes how to get access to UCD Systems documents, as well as in Video 1: (opens in a new window)How Extern Examiners gain access to UCD systems available on the Assessment website.
Q: I am an External Examiner for Taught Programmes. I cannot access Brightspace.
A: You will first need to set up a UCD Connect account. You must use your V number to set up the UCD Connect account.
Once your UCD Connect Account has been set up, your School administrative contact will ensure that you receive access to the specific modules in Brightspace, which fall under the subject area you have been appointed to review. Please allow 24 hours from setting up your UCD Connect account to receive access to information in Brightspace. Use your UCD Connect Username to access Brightspace.
Q: I am attempting to log in to UCD’s (opens in a new window)External Services Portal as an External Examiner for Taught Programmes to submit my annual report. I have kept my password since last year, but the system will not accept my email address or password.
A: If you do not have a UCD Connect Account, you can log in via UCD's (opens in a new window)External Services Portal using your UCD V number to access the system through the 'Don't have a UCD Connect Account?' button to submit your annual report. If you forget your V number email (opens in a new window)externexaminer@ucd.ie
Note: If you do not have a UCD Connect Account do not use the ‘Login with UCD Connect Account’ button because your email address or password will not be accepted.
If you have a UCD Connect Account you can log in via UCD's (opens in a new window)External Services Portal using your UCD Connect username to access the system through the '‘Login with UCD Connect Account’ button to submit your annual report. If you forget your UCD Connect username email (opens in a new window)externexaminer@ucd.ie
Q: I have tried many times to access UCD connect using my UCD Connect username as instructed and even in requesting a new password, it doesn’t work anymore.
A: Check you are entering the correct UCD Connect username. If you are unsure of your UCD Connect username email (opens in a new window)externexaminer@ucd.ie
Q: I received a payment from UCD for Extern Examiner work but I cannot gain access to the ESS system to view my payslip.
A: The HR Helpdesk is the primary point of contact for all employment-related queries by email and telephone (Email (opens in a new window)hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie or telephone 353-1-716-4900). If you require further information regarding your payslip, please contact the UCD Payroll Office.
Q: I cannot access the Exam Manager System to view the exams.
A: Use your UCD connect login to access the Exam Manager System. Email (opens in a new window)examlogistics@ucd.ie for queries or assistance with accessing the Exam Manager System.