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Curriculum Team

Customer & Curriculum Operations, UCD Registry

About the Curriculum Team

The Curriculum Team offers a broad range of services and supports for staff & faculty in areas such as  Curriculum Management, Majors/Programmes, Modules and Programme Approval. Each School Unit/ College has a dedicated  Curriculum College Liaison on the Curriculum Team that you can contact for curriculum related queries and support.

Curriculum Management Timelines

View details of Curriculum Management System (CMS) activities from February through to January of each year. Our timeline begins in February as that is when we open the system for edits to majors/programmes & modules for the upcoming academic year. Please note that the below timeline focuses on edits to modules & September-intake majors only. For more details on specific edit open/closing dates, please refer to the timelines documents at the top of this page.

  • February

    CMS opens for edits to September-intake majors & modules offered in all trimesters for the upcoming academic year

  • May

    Edits to September-intake major structures CLOSE

    Edits to module places & requirements/prior learning of the module descriptor CLOSE

  • June

    Edits to module trimester & module status on Module List Management CLOSE

    Edits to credit split by trimester on the module descriptor CLOSE

  • August

    Edits to module places on Module List Management CLOSE

    Edits to Student Effort Hours on the module descriptor CLOSE

  • September

    Further changes to September-intake major structures required on PDARF 16 Structure Change Proposal Forms

    Edits to module descriptors CLOSE on the CMS - changes required via Exemption requests

  • November

    Edits to certain sections of the module descriptor for modules commencing in Spring/Summer OPEN

  • December

    Edits to module places on Spring/Summer modules via Module List Management CLOSE

  • January

    Edits to Spring/Summer module descriptors CLOSE

Contact UCD Registry

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)