Lizanne Hutton
Curriculum Management & Programme Approvals processes & projects
Each School Unit/ College has a dedicated Curriculum College Liaison on the Curriculum Team for curriculum related queries and support for staff/faculty. See details of the support for each area below:
Curriculum Management & Programme Approvals processes & projects
UCD College of Arts and Humanities
UCD College of Business, UCD School of Law, Innovation Academy, The Institute of Banking
UCD College of Science, UCD Irish Institute for Chinese Studies, School of Education, Access & Lifelong Learning
UCD College of Engineering and Architecture, UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science, UCD School of Veterinary Medicine, China Joint Colleges, UCD Global, UCD Centre for English & Global Languages
UCD College of Health and Agricultural Sciences, (UCD School of Medicine, UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems, UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science) UCD Conway Institute
UCD College of Social Sciences, The National College of Art and Design, UCD Teaching and Learning, Global School Room