Who can edit major structures?
Staff with School/College level access can edit major structures for majors in their School/College. To check who has this access in your School/College Office you can refer to the Curriculum Management Access Roles report.
When can major structures be edited?
The Curriculum Management System (CMS) opens for major structure edits at various points of the year for the different intake terms (September/January/May). Details of the CMS edit windows for each intake term can be found on the Curriculum Management - CMS Timelines section of our website. Updated timelines are published near the beginning of each calendar for the following academic year, always commencing with the CMS opening in February.
Outside of CMS edit timelines, forms are required to capture changes to major structures, details of which are provided on the edit timelines documents.
Once the academic year has commenced, a Governing Board PDARF 16 Structure Change Proposal form can be sent to (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie to request changes to the core/option modules associated with a major.
How are major structures edited?
Our detailed Editing Majors User Guide includes instructions and screenshots to help you when making any changes to a major structure. If you have edited major structures before but would like a refresher on what to do, you may find our Editing Majors Checklist more useful.
For further support from the Curriculum Team, join a team member on one of our (opens in a new window)drop-in zooms that take place each week, or contact your Curriculum College Liaison.