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Module List Management & New Module Requests

Module List Management & New Module Requests

Information on Module List Management & New Module Requests are aimed at staff/faculty with School/College-level access who may need to update the module coordinator, trimester, status or places on the modules associated with their School/College, and who may need to submit a new module request.

Module List Management

Staff with School/College- level access can update the module coordinator, module trimester, module status and module places via the Module List Management menu during the Curriculum Management System (CMS) edit timelines

Our How to use Module List Management guide or (opens in a new window)video guide will provide you with instructions on how to make these changes.

For additional information on module status, please note that modules will appear in the Curriculum Management System (CMS) with a particular status. Further details of each are provided below:

  • Continuing: Module descriptor information/Details rolled forward from previous Academic Year. Some mandatory fields are missing (refer to ‘Mandatory Data Completion Status’ for further details). Modules can be edited during CMS edit timelines.
  • Active: All mandatory elements have been completed. Module can be edited during CMS edit timelines.
  • Inactive: Details have not been rolled forward from the previous academic year or the module is no longer on offer.
  • Pending: New Module; mandatory requirements not yet complete. Modules can be edited during CMS edit timelines.

New Module Requests

Staff with school-level access can submit new module requests all year round via the New Module Requests menu in the Curriculum Management System (CMS). You can refer to this How to submit New Module Requests guide for instructions on how to do this.

New module codes are needed when:

A module is brand new
There is a change to the credit value of an existing module
The level of a module changes
The learning outcomes or overall content of an existing module changes significantly
The title of an existing module changes significantly
Schools amalgamate and need new subjects to reflect the change
A new subject code is needed (approved on the subject register or for administrative purposes)

New module codes are NOT needed when:

Changes to a module coordinator or a trimester in which a module is delivered 
Assessment strategy or capacity is amended
A change in title is not vastly different to the original title
There is a requirement to add further information to a module descriptor

Contact UCD Registry

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)