PDARF Approvals Flow Chart- shows the overall approval process
Programme Approval (PDARF)
Here you can find details on how to submit new programme proposals, make changes to existing programmes & request derogations. There is also a list of PDARF forms below. PDARF refers to the Programme, Development, Approval & Review Framework process.
Note: a new online system for new programme proposals and approvals has been developed and is being piloted in the Academic Year 2024/25. If you are proposing a new programme and would like to be part of this pilot, please contact (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie
PDARF Flow Charts
UPB/Local Approvals Flow Chart- indicates where Governing Board/UPB approval is required
Global Partnerships
Download Form: Global Partnerships Proposal Form (formerly PDARF1)
This proposal form should be completed for educational collaborations with partner institutions and agencies external to UCD. This form captures the strategic and business cases for a proposed partnership and ensures a comprehensive due diligence process to support informed decision-making. The Global Partnerships team provides support in completing the form. If you are interested in establishing a new international collaboration, please contact the team at (opens in a new window)global.partnerships@ucd.ie.
The completed form should be submitted to (opens in a new window)global.partnerships@ucd.ie for submission to the UMT Global Engagement Group (GEG). Proposals that require academic approval for a new programme must also seek approval for the partnership from the University Management Team (UMT - (opens in a new window)umt@ucd.ie).
New Programmes
Note: a new online system for new programme proposals and approvals, replacing the existing PDARF2 and PDARF3 forms, has been developed and is being piloted in the Academic Year 2024/25. To participate in this pilot, contact (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie
Download form: PDARF2 New Programme Proposal (UMT)
This form should be completed and submitted to the College Executive for approval of the financial aspect & strategic case for new programme requests.
Pending UMT approval, complete PDARF3 form and submit to your Governing Board approval of the academic aspects. Pending Governing Board recommendation, PDARF3 is then submitted to (opens in a new window)programmes@ucd.ie for approval by the University Programmes Board (UPB) or to curriculum@ucd.ie depending on the delegation of authority.
Note: a new online system for new programme proposals and approvals, replacing the existing PDARF2 and PDARF3 forms, has been developed and is being piloted in the Academic Year 2024/25. To participate in this pilot, contact (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie
Download form: PDARF3 New Programme Academic Structure Proposal
Submit to the relevant Governing Board for approval of the academic aspects. Following Governing Board approval, PDARF3 is then submitted to (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie for implementation or to (opens in a new window)programmes@ucd.ie for approval by UPB depending on the delegation of authority.
Please note that a PDARF2: New Programme Proposal must have been completed and approved by the College Executive and the University Management Team (UMT) before a PDARF3 form may be considered by Governing Board.
Programme Changes
Download form: PDARF7 Programme Change Proposal
Complete this form for changes to existing programmes. Submit to the relevant Governing Board for approval. Following Governing Board approval, PDARF7 is then submitted (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie for implementation or to (opens in a new window)programmes@ucd.ie for approval by the University Programmes Board (UPB) depending on the delegation of authority.
Please note that this form is also used for changes to Visions/Values & Programme Outcomes, approved Non-standard Progression Requirements & Additional Standards for Continuation. Please visit the Majors/Programmes section of our website, and view the details on 'Other Programme Information/ Edits.'
Pathway Programmes
Download form: PDARF8 Pathway Programme Proposal
This graduate taught pathways framework is intended for building up to a Masters degree award rather than availing of exit strategies from a Masters degree award. In the context of the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy, a pathway programme is a sequence of UCD programmes at NFQ Level 9 that build to a Masters degree award within that sequence and have been approved as a pathway programme by UPB.
This form should be used to submit a request to have an existing approved taught Masters programme approved as a pathway programme (for the purposes of implementing the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy). Refer to the Implementing the the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy: graduate taught pathway programmes while completing this form.
Submit to the relevant Governing Board for approval. Following Governing Board approval, this form is then submitted for approval by the University Programmes Board (UPB). Send all signed submissions to (opens in a new window)programmes@ucd.ie.
Structured Electives
Download form: PDARF6 Structured Elective
Submit to the relevant Governing Board for approval. Pending Governing Board approval, the form is then submitted to (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie for implementation. Note that this form is used for both new Structured Elective proposals and changes to existing Structured Electives.
Download form: PDARF14 Derogations
Exceptions from the Academic Regulations require UPB (University Programmes Board) approval as a derogation by submitting a PDARF14 form to (opens in a new window)programmes@ucd.ie
Derogations can be requested/ recorded at programme, major or module level and existing derogation details can be found via the Derogations reporting menu.
Structure Change Proposals
Download form: PDARF 16 Structure Change Proposal
Amending major structures (core/option modules associated with majors) of taught award-bearing programmes after the start of the relevant intake term (September/January/May) or outside of Curriculum Management System (CMS) edit timelines will require Governing Board approval via a PDARF 16 Structure Change Proposal form for submission to the Curriculum Team - (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie.
For further clarification on the type of changes that require this PDARF form, please refer to the Structure Changes to Majors outside CMS Timelines document. It's important to note that the signature section of the form must be completed before the request can be actioned.
Collaborative Programmes
Download form: PDARF4 Collaborative Programme Supplement
For new programmes, PDARF2: New Programme Proposal must be completed and approved by the College Executive and UMT. PDARF3: New Programme Academic Structure Proposal must then be completed, together with PDARF4, and submitted to the relevant Governing Board for approval, and then onwards to (opens in a new window)programmes@ucd.ie for approval by the University Programmes Board (UPB).
Please note that if this collaboration involves a new external partner, College Executive and UMT approval is required in the first instance (via PDARF1: UCD Partnership Proposal Form).
Collaboration type | What is it? | Award type |
Access/Feeder Programmes | Students from Access/Feeder programmes are recognised as having met the admissions criteria for entry to a specified programme. Normally used as recruitment tools. Students enter the UCD Programme at Stage 1. |
UCD award. |
Accreditation | An institution without its own degree awarding powers is given authority by the University to exercise powers for academic provision. The University remains responsible for the quality of the programmes. |
One award provided by UCD as the accrediting institution. |
Agent | A person or organisation employed by the awarding institution to facilitate a collaboration or the recruitment of students. Normally used as a recruitment pathway into programmes. | Admission to programme leading to UCD award. |
Articulation | The process by which the qualification and/or credits from a programme of study undertaken at an approved partner institution is recognised as giving advanced standing or entry to programmes at the University. This type of arrangement may also include pathways into undergraduate degree award programmes from Irish Institutes of Technology. Students enter the UCD programme at Stage 2, 3 or 4. |
One award provided by UCD (it is at the discretion of the other institution to provide its own award). |
Co-Tutelle/ Inter-Institutional Co-Supervisory Arrangement | When a doctoral student receives joint supervision by UCD and another institution and submits a single doctoral dissertation for a single examination. | More than one award provided by more than one institution. |
Double Degree Awards (multiple, dual or double) | A single, integrated curriculum taught across two or more institutions. The awarding institutions contribute to two separate awards. It is to be pursued instead of a joint degree in instances where there are legal barriers for a partner to participate in a joint award. | More than one award provided by more than one institution. |
Exchange | A reciprocal exchange of staff or students. Students are admitted to and graduate from a home institution, but spend time at a host institution. Includes ERASMUS exchanges. | One award provided by the home institution. |
Franchising | When the University authorises the delivery of its programmes leading to a UCD award to a partner institution. Serial Franchising is when a partner uses a collaborative programme arrangement as a basis for further collaborations of its own with third parties, but offering the original institution’s awards. UCD does not permit serial franchising. |
One award provided by Franchiser institution UCD). |
Joint Degree Awards | A single, integrated curriculum taught across two or more institutions. The institutions contribute to a single award from all participating institutions. | One award jointly provided by more than one institution. |
Off-Campus Delivery | Teaching/supervision is provided by UCD staff, but some or all delivery takes place away from campus. | One award provided by UCD. |
Validation | When the University judges that a programme delivered by another institution is of the equivalent standard as a programme delivered by the University. | One award provided by the delivering institution and validated by UCD. |
Contact UCD Global and (opens in a new window)UCD Legal for assistance with developing formal agreements. Note that only the UCD President is authorised to sign such agreements.
Agreement Type | About |
Letter of Intent | Indicates intent to investigate future areas for collaboration and often precede the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding. |
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) | An agreement between parties which expresses a intended common line of action. It lacks the binding power of a legal contract but provides a framework for future cooperation. |
Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) | An binding legal agreement between parties which articulates plans to work together on particular projects. |
Student Exchange Agreement (MoA) | MoA (Student Exchange) is a reciprocal arrangement (under a fee-waiver agreement) that allows students to study at a partner institution for one or two trimesters. |
Study Abroad Partner Agreement (MoA) | MoA (Study Abroad) provides for a partnership between UCD and an international university where students from the university can study at UCD for a trimester or a full year on a fee-paying basis. |
Mixed/Hybrid Agreement (MoA) | MoA (mixed) provides for a partnership arrangement between UCD and an international university where exchange places are agreed and additional students can study at UCD on a fee-paying basis. |
Co-Tutelle | A Co-Tutelle is normally established between UCD and another non-Irish institution. These agreements are developed by the universities with an individual agreement for each student. Students pursue their doctoral studies at two universities under two different supervisors. See Inter-Institutional Co-Supervisory Agreements for further details and an Inter-Institutional Co-Supervisory Agreement Template. |
High Risk | Medium Risk | Low Risk |
- UCD Franchise to overseas partner - Non-domestic, non-third level institution - Large number of students (>100 p.a.) - Third party involvement - Unfamiliarity with partner |
- Domestic non-third level institution - Medium-sized number of students (>50-100 p.a.) - Double/Dual Awards - Accreditation - Validation - Off-Campus Delivery |
- Exchange - Co-Tutelle - Access/Feeder programmes - Articulations - Small number of students(< 50 p.a.) - Prior experience working with partner institution |
The relevant Governing Boards and Admissions Officer/Tutor are responsible for determining the admission criteria. The recommendations need to be approved by the Governing Board prior to being published by Admissions. This criteria will be implemented by those who have authority to make applications decisions.
When admissions criteria is agreed jointly between the institutions it is important that the recommendations are routed back to the Governing Board, Admissions in Registry. This also applies when there is a single lead institution or ‘administrative hub’ and when there is a single portal for admission.
When the student’s home institution is not UCD, the other institution will need to share the data about the students on the collaborative programme (preferably at the point of admission) so that they are registered correctly in UCD.
Fee Rate
The fee rate must be negotiated between the partners and will be added to the student’s record. Where there are no fees payable, a ‘no fee’ rate code is applied to the student’s record. Where fees are payable, the normal UCD fee arrangements apply. Schools are responsible for registering students on collaborative programmes and confirming the correct fee rate.
Fee income distribution
The distribution of fee income must be clearly articulated in the Memorandum of Understanding or Memorandum of Agreement. Where large cohorts of students are taking UCD modules, but few UCD students are going to the other institution, it is necessary to reach a financial arrangement with the partner to ensure that UCD receives appropriate payment. Financial arrangements should be agreed locally together with the College Finance Manager.
Registration Status
The registration status determines fees and access to services and should be negotiated between the partners. Students from other institutions taking modules in UCD are registered as either RE or VE:
- A student with a registration status of RE is registered as normal and may be required to pay fees or not, depending on the agreement. These students are entitled to a student card and full use of University Services. Students on joint/dual degree programmes are set up the same way as the UCD students
- A VE registration status is used for external students with another home institution and they are normally not required to pay fees. These students are not entitled to a student card or use of University services, with the exception of UCD Connect and Brightspace
US Study Abroad programmes
- Students are set up on occasional programme codes and get a UCD Student Card.
- Students are required to register online
- Students pay fees to UCD or to their home institution
EU (Erasmus) and non-EU International Exchange
- Students are set up on occasional programme codes and get a UCD Student Card
- Students are required to register online
- Students pay fees to their home institution
Non-EU (Erasmus Mundus) programmes
- Students are required to register online and get a UCD Student Card.
- There are different fee arrangements for different students. A comment should be added to the student’s record by the School
- Students are either set up on occasional programme codes and do not receive a UCD award or they are registered to a UCD programme and receive a UCD award
Joint (or double degree) programmes
- Students are required to register online and receive a Student Card from both institutions
- Students are registered to the UCD version of the programme as either registration status RE (fees to UCD) or VE (fees are paid to another institution).
- Students on joint programmes are students of both institutions, and receive a joint (or double) degree award by both institutions.
Recording non-UCD modules
Where a module is delivered by another institution it should be recorded as follows in Banner:
- The School’s subject codes will be used
- The current module coding convention will be used
- Indicate the institution in the module title. Example: CHEM40240 – Spectroscopic Techniques (TCD);
- Associate the module with the institution in the Transfer institution field. This can be used to exclude the module from FTE/RAM calculations
The Programme Director or School administrator will also need to associate the modules to the programme via the Curriculum Management System.
There are three options in UCD to capture the module information offered by another institution:
Transfer credit block
- A single block of credits is attached to the student’s record to represent credits from another institution. The partner institution normally sends the list of completed modules to the UCD Programme coordinator
- These credits do not show the details of the individual modules that a student has taken. They are grade point and GPA neutral unless the institutions have agreed on a combined grade for the transfer credit block. For combined grades there must be a ‘Grades/Marks Table of Equivalences’ and the grades must be ratified by a UCD Programme Examination Board.
- Example: If a student spends a semester at the University of Deusto (Spain) they may be registered to a single module called ‘Transfer Credits (Deusto)’ of a value of 30 credits put up against their record
Shadow modules
- ‘Shadow modules’ are external institutions’ modules that are set up on the UCD system. Collaborative Programme coordinators may request shadow modules through the Curriculum Management System in the same way as normal (the delivering institution should be in the title).
- The grades for these modules need to be converted to the UCD grading system and entered into Gradebook. The grades will contribute to the student’s GPA. There must be a ‘Grades/Marks Table of Equivalences’ included in the Memorandum of Agreement
- Example:
BIOL40337 Environmental Biotechnology (Groningen), 10 credits – for a module offered by Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands
External PhD modules
- A PhD student may take individual modules that are not part of a UCD Doctoral Programme in an external institution if set out in the Programme Specification. The grades can be converted to the UCD grading system or the student receive the credits but no grade. Recommendations of the Governing Boards are implemented via the Delegated Authority Decision process - Example: EP601 Terahertz Optics and Long-wave Quasi-optical systems (NUIM), 5 credits – for a module delivered by National University of Ireland, Maynooth
- Example:
EP601 Terahertz Optics and Long-wave Quasi-optical systems (NUIM), 5 credits – for a module delivered by National University of Ireland, Maynooth
- Collaborative Programme Coordinators should seek to obtain grades for modules as soon as the module has been completed. If the timing of the partner’s Examination Boards is not identical to that of UCD, please consult the Chair of the Examination Board and the Director of Assessment in Registry.
Award Classification
- See the UCD Academic Regulations (2.5) for information on award classification.
UCD classifies research awards as Pass or Fail. For Collaborative programmes there are two options:
- The partners agree to use one partner’s system of award classification. If this is not the UCD system, the UCD proposer will need to seek derogation approval from the UPB
- The partners agree on a table of equivalence that shows how the award classifications correspond to each other. This option permits both institutions to apply their own award classification simultaneously, and both classifications may appear on official documents
Collaborative Transcripts, Diploma Supplements
UCD produces transcripts and Diploma Supplements for all programmes, including collaborative. Joint transcripts and Diploma Supplements include the logos and details of all institutions. These transcripts are produced manually and students cannot use the UCD online document self-service function.
1. Programmes leading to Joint Award
Each partner institution takes responsibility for developing the joint transcript/Diploma Supplement and parchment.
Parchments for joint awards will usually have all the partners’ logos and the production and design of the parchment needs to be negotiated between the partners. UCD parchments are produced by the UCD Conferring Unit and follow a standard format
A student will only receive a parchment with the logos and other details of the institutions they attended. See sample parchment below:
The Conferring Unit is responsible for ensuring that NUI requirements are met. University Secretariat will liaise directly with the UCD Registrar and Deputy President to seek final approval for the parchment.
For joint degree awards there are different options:
- A single conferring ceremony for all students at a neutral venue. The entity responsible for production of the parchments must be agreed
- To rotate the responsibility for holding the conferring ceremony for all students
- Groups of students within the same cohort graduate from different institutions simultaneously (depending on which institution they are attending at the time of completion)
2. Programmes not leading to Joint Award
For programmes not leading to a joint award each institution is normally responsible for its own transcripts. The student can also obtain a transcript with information about the modules taken from any other institution they attended.
The arrangements for the conferring of awards for collaborative programme follow the normal procedures as all other UCD awards.
UCD conferring ceremonies must be approved by the UCD Conferring Unit, follow the normal timeframes and students who are conferred in other institutions will be conferred in UCD in absentia.
Collaborative Programme Data Upload
The Collaborative Programme Upload Process allows for students from other Universities/Organisations to have a record created in Banner via an upload facility. Data for upload must be presented using a spreadsheet in a particular format. Contact (opens in a new window)systems.data@ucd.ie for more information
Current usage includes:
- Institute of Banking
- Institute of Public Administration
- University of Ulster
- Study Group Foundation
- Global Schoolroom
Support Information – initiation phase
The following documents are useful when engaging with the initiation phase for a proposal for a collaboration:
Support Information – programme development phase
The following documents are useful when engaging with the programme development phase for a collaboration:
- Programme Structures
- Admissions
- Financial Arrangements (inc. Fees)
- Student Registration and Services
- Assessment (modules)
- Award Classification
- Transcripts/Diploma Supplements, Parchments and Conferring
Support Information – monitoring and review phase
The following documents are useful when engaging with the monitoring and review phase for a collaboration:
Further Support & Links
- Contact your School/College for assistance with developing your proposal
- Contact UCD Teaching and Learning for support with curriculum development and design
- Contact (opens in a new window)curriculum@ucd.ie for assistance with completing the forms or to submit a proposal that no longer requires UPB approval
- Contact (opens in a new window)umt@ucd.ie to submit a proposal to UMT
- Contact(opens in a new window) programmes@ucd.ie to submit a proposal to UPB
- Contact (opens in a new window)internationalagreements@ucd.ie for international partnership queries
Useful Links
- Academic Regulations
- Details of (opens in a new window)changes to Regs from 2024/25)
- University Programmes Board information and schedule of UPB Meetings 2024/25
- Programme Approvals Financial Analysis Template (note: applies to online programme approvals only)