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Systems and Data Operations

The Systems and Data Operations team are responsible for developing new operations processes, approaches to systems configuration and delivering enhancements and changes. 

We develop, configure and support online registration. We manage and support Programme Verification, Module Capacity Management, CMIS (timetabling system), Student Fitting (registration to labs and tutorials) as well as providing reporting expertise and support to the unit and external agencies such as the HEA.

Key businesses also include bulk data processing, building the fee rules that raise charges for students, the allocation of elective places as well as processing SUSI files and producing returns and invoices.

(opens in a new window)Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) is the single Awarding Authority for all new student grant applications.

Each week, UCD receives a file of recently approved applicants from SUSI. Once the Systems and Data Services team loads this file to Banner:

  • A credit is applied to the students' account for the amount approved by SUSI
  • Registration is verified and this information is returned to SUSI
  • Students receive an email telling them that their grant has been approved/renewed
  • An invoice for those fees will then be issued to SUSI for payment

Important Points of note

  • Students who have accepted the offer of a place in UCD and who have applied to SUSI for a grant must enter their 13 digit alpha numeric SUSI number (including the “W”) in the Personal Details section in online registration. This is very important as this is used to match the UCD and the SUSI record
  • SUSI Grant Holders do not need to notify UCD of their grant approval status. SUSI will notify UCD directly if a student is approved for a grant

Programme verification is a process that is carried out annually by staff in College and Schools Offices to ensure that registration works for students. Each area is provided with test students, supporting documentation and access to a test system.

Check the Programme Verification webpage for further information.

Facility CMIS (Central Management Information System) is a time and resource management software that is used in UCD to record and maintain academic timetabling.

CMIS is used in the following areas:

  • Room Allocations (Lecture timetable, Room usage)
  • Registry (Student Fitting)

Administrative responsibilities of Systems and Data Services:

  • User account administration
  • Data transfer between CMIS and Banner
  • Annual Dataset Rollover (preparation of the CMIS dataset for the next academic year)
  • Student Fitting to Labs and Tutorials (for specified Science and Ag Programmes)

Advanced Learning (opens in a new window)Facility CMIS product webpage

The Collaborative Programme Upload Process allows for students from other Universities/Organisations to have a record created in Banner via an upload facility. For example records are uploaded for students of recognised colleges of the University. Data for upload must be presented using a spreadsheet in a particular format.

Current usage includes:

  • Institute of Banking
  • Institute of Public Administration
  • University of Ulster
  • Study Group Foundation
  • Global Schoolroom

Module Capacity Management is the business of working with Schools and Module Coordinators to ensure that, wherever possible, we have enough places to meet student demand for module registration.

This involves:

  • Pre-emptive place management to ensure that all data is correct in advance of the registration season
  • Management of capacity changes during the registration season to dynamically adapt to student demand, including 3pm capacity releases to create new places on highly sought modules
  • Working in advance of the elective allocation process to provide as many elective places as possible on key modules

For further information visit Capacity Management.

Contact UCD Registry

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)