In October 2020, the University Management Team requested the development of a self-service application to facilitate Module Coordinators update their Spring Trimester module delivery mode (e.g. switching from online delivery to face-to-face delivery) where changes in Government Guidelines levels allow and that this solution would also ensure the students' timetable reflects any such changes in real-time.
Timetabling Spring 2021 FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
- Modules/ Module components which are deemed essential:
Practical and laboratory classes; Clinical teaching and associated activities; Studio classes; Practice-based teaching; Outdoor fieldwork; Some small group teaching such as tutorials and seminars where alternative arrangements are in place to support students who are not able to attend campus. Such modules/ components will be delivered face-to-face in the Spring Trimester at all levels of Government Guidelines. These modules must have rooms allocated as per normal Spring Trimester timetabling.
- Modules with Capacity less than 49 seats:
These modules will be delivered online in the Spring Trimester but depending on Government Guidelines, the Module Coordinator may have the opportunity to switch their teaching to face-to-face in a campus location. Such modules must have rooms allocated as part of the Spring Trimester timetabling to allow for a switch from online to face-to-face teaching Government Guidelines permitting.
- Modules with Capacity greater than 49 seats:
These modules will be delivered online only in the Spring trimester as Government Guidelines on social distancing prevents face-to-face teaching. These modules will not have any rooms allocated for the Spring Trimester.
It will open on 7 December and close for edits on Thursday 17 December, by 12 noon to allow the timetables to stabilise ahead of the Christmas Break. Further options to edit may be available at a later point in accordance with Government Guideline. See the Timelines document for further info.
A 'How To' guide has been developed providing additional information. Support will also be available from Room Allocations (opens in a new window) and the Systems and Data Services Team (opens in a new window)
In order to switch to face-to-face delivery, a teaching space must be allocated for your CRN. First, check to see if there is a room allocated via the Module Timetable Search function in InfoHub. If there is no room attached and you would like to offer face-to-face contact please contact Room Allocations (opens in a new window) to request a teaching space for your CRNs. Face-to-face teaching should be in line with Government Guidelines.
No. The National Health Guidance Framework (living with Covid strategy) allowed up to a maximum of 50 people (including lecturers/technicians/tutors) in a teaching space at any one time. UCD will continue to adhere to this guideline for the Spring Trimester 2020-21 to provide stability for students and staff when planning teaching for Spring.
The InfoHub feature will allow Module Coordinators/schools to switch delivery modes. Please note, that while changes will reflect on the Students SISWeb timetable instantly, Student Google Calendar will update overnight. Important note: it is the responsibility of the Module Coordinator to communicate to individuals where the method of delivery has changed via their preferred communication method.
The Spring Trimester timetabling process will be 'complete' when the confirmed timetable is made available to students on 18 December 2020.
Please email (opens in a new window) with the following details:
- Module code
- CRN to be used
- Contact type (i.e. Lecture, Workshop, Practical)
- Academic weeks
- Start and finish time
- Preferred room or building if available
The Module Coordinator should communicate any changes in delivery type to students, via usual channels.
All staff with access to the Timetabling menu will be able to see what is viewable on the student timetable.
A communication archive is available on this site, where you will be able to review all communication within this space.
The existing timetable for the Spring Trimester which has on-campus rooms allocated and has undergone programme verification, is the basis for the current Spring timetable revision process. If the sequence of labs is changed this could involve changing the dates and/or times of delivery which could create clashes for students. Module Coordinators and schools should consider whether any changes could create a clash for their students as this will not be evident to Room Allocations or UCD Registry.
The Module Coordinator (or other authorized staff) can make the change via Infohub in the (opens in a new window)Review My Module Teaching Arrangements. See the Timetabling website for guidance.
If your labs/studios/practicals/tutorials are classified as "Essential On-campus Teaching" then they will be timetabled for face-to-face delivery with rooms allocated.
If not classified as "Essential On-campus Teaching" then, depending on your class sizes, they may be classified as "Online delivery only" (>49 students). If </=49 students a room will be allocated and teaching may switch from online to face-to-face during the Spring Trimester, subject to Government Guidelines.
Module Coordinators/schools can also classify a CRN with </=49 students as online-only, and the room allocated to the piece of teaching will be removed.
Students have been advised that their Spring timetable will resemble how the beginning of the term will look from 18 December 2020. Module Coordinators should update their modules in line with the timeline document.
Where a room is allocated to a module, this will remain. Module Coordinators have the option to classify a CRN as online-only and this will remove the room booking from their module. Where Module Coordinators have decided to provide a Hybrid teaching model for Spring Trimester, the room will remain linked to the CRN, and Module Coordinators can review this in 'Module Timetable Search' functionality in Infohub.
The application can be found in Infohub under the following route. Students -> Curriculum & Timetables -> Timetables -> Review My Module Teaching Arrangements.
The information is available on the UCD website.
No, should the Government move from a level 1-2 restriction to level 3-5, all CRNs that have the flag "Current Online Hybrid" will be changed from face-to-face delivery to online delivery in bulk. Module Coordinators will be able to review this via Infohub, and if it is essential to teach on campus, can flag this via the system at this stage.
Functionality to input a direct link to the online class (such as zoom link) will also be provided, and this can be used to populate the student timetable.
Yes, you will have an opportunity to review and amend the pre-selected function against the CRNs attached to your module. Please refer to the timelines document for specifics.
Check with your School that you have been assigned coordinator for the module on the Curriculum Management System.
Module capacity will be managed through the usual forums. Please contact the Systems and Data Services Team (opens in a new window) with capacity requests.
CMS users with School-/College-level access can amend capacity on modules up to and including 23 December. After that date, requests for changes should be directed to (opens in a new window)
Currently, no decision has been made in relation to the delivery of Summer Term modules. Once information is available we will update relevant stakeholders.
Troubleshooting for Module Coordinators:
Check that the module is assigned to you on (opens in a new window)My Modules in the Curriculum Management System.
If you aren't listed as Module Coordinator, please consult your School administrator and confirm the trimester in which your module is delivered, and if it is in one of the trimester(s) that are open for changes.
No, any changes to time, date or room, will need to be requested via Room Allocations (opens in a new window) You can contact them with the following info:
- Module code
- CRN to be used
- Contact type (i.e. Lecture, Workshop, Practical)
- Previous academic weeks, start and finish time
- New academic weeks, start and finish time
A list of shared teaching space with lecture capture and Recording Studios are now available on the Estate Services website. This will be updated on an ongoing basis. Further information can be found (opens in a new window)here.
No, the mode of delivery and the method in which the CRNs are scheduled, operate separately, and there is no direct link between the two. If you wish to change the delivery method of your module, you should do so via the new InfoHub functionality.
We are currently awaiting a decision on the Summer term, and should this facility be required to assist Module Coordinators within this space, we envision that it will be available to staff for the Summer term, pending University decision.
Changes will reflect on the Students SISWeb timetable instantly. Student Google Calendar will update overnight. Please note, it is the responsibility of the Module Coordinator to communicate to individuals where the method of delivery has changed via their preferred communication method.
If a CRN has multiple contact types associated with it and you wish to use different modes of delivery throughout the trimester, please contact Room Allocations to ensure the appropriate CRNs are in place. This may require creating new CRNs and attaching scheduling so the different modes of delivery can be managed separately via this new system, once they have been separated.
If your CRN has a mix of face to face teaching and another element wholly online, you should flag the CRN as 'A' essential teaching. You should contact room allocations and say you no longer require the room for your online elements.